Due to my recent injury at Buttkill Falls, I’ve had extra time to ponder life, and when that happens, I tend to get a bit nostalgic. 🙂 Maybe it’s because I’m currently medicated, or maybe it’s because I’m missing out on some family life lately. For whatever reason, when I’m separated from my people, I tend to think about them more. I miss them. I appreciate them.
I miss them. I appreciate them.
I appreciate them.
As I’m resting and pondering, and thinking about how quickly the first day of school came this year, I realize that we’re about to enter a new season of life as parents. We have just one more year left with littles at home, and one year before our oldest enters high school. For thirteen years now, I’ve been a mostly stay-at-home mom, but what will I do when all of these firsts lead to lasts?
First smiles and first steps.
First days of school and first solo bike rides.
First baby food and first big kid beds.
First instruments and first crushes.
So many firsts that we’ve been blessed with.
But these firsts lead to lasts, and what will a born-to-be-a-mama girl do when all of her children are at school for the day? It seems like these lasts come oh-so-quickly.
It seems like these lasts come oh-so-quickly.
Last days of kindergarten and last days of twin high chairs.
Last days of baby clothes and last days of soccer on Saturdays.
Last days of sweet toddler cheeks and last days of bedtime stories.
The truth is, the lasts stink. I know I’ll miss them. But those firsts that led to lasts will once again lead to firsts. Firsts like driver’s licenses and shaving and so much more independence.
But those firsts that led to lasts will once again lead to firsts – firsts like driver’s licenses and shaving and so much more independence.
And while my children are enjoying a whole new world of lasts followed by firsts, I’ll be opening up to a whole new world of firsts, too.
In the meantime, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Jen 🙂
It’s Five Minute Friday again! We gather together over at Lisa-Jo’s blog and free-write for five minutes on a single word prompt. No planning, no editing, just writing. It’s glorious freedom! If you want to know more, join us at: http://lisajobaker.com/five-minute-friday/