As a follow-up to the Mama Mondays post on Why Families Should Play Games on family game night, I wanted to provide some practical information on what games for families to use for family game night, neighborhood game night, church ministries, or special events.
For those who don’t already know, we have four children, ages four through thirteen, and we’ve spent a lot of years working with children and youth in various churches. So, we’ve witnessed epic games and also epic failures. 🙂
I’ve divided the list into a few different categories such as age or group size in order to give it a little more organization.
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Toddler/Preschool Games
Memory is one of our favorite games for families for this age group and utilizes memory skills, matching, and critical thinking. We started at the age of 2 (possibly even younger) with our firstborn, but not with the entire game. For very young children, I would start by choosing out just a few matches to start with and let them get the hang of it before building up to more.
Hi Ho Cherry-O
Hi Ho Cherry-O is another favorite and can be played from an early age with modifications. This game teaches colors, counting, and following directions. In fact, before you even try to play the actual game, you could have your child do some color sorting by putting all of the cherries on the correct trees!
Go Fish Card Game
I love this game because you can make your own and use it to teach just about anything: for example,Go Fish Colors, Go Fish Shapes,Go Fish Animals, Go Fish Alphabet, and so on. To make your own, just buy a pack of index cards, print off some graphics (or use colored cardstock) and tape or glue them to the index cards – laminate them for longer use. Our middle child has always been our most active child and has been that way from birth, literally! Go Fish is the one game he would actually sit still for at a fairly young age – young enough that he couldn’t even say, “Go Fish!” correctly. For little hands, you might try these card holders
, too.
We played this game with our two oldest boys before our youngest (at the time) son could even count. We just counted the spaces out for him. Why did our active boy enjoy this game so much? He looooved pressing the domed popper in the middle. He also really enjoyed landing on other players and sending them back home. 🙂 After moving, we lost some of our pieces, so I’ve been eyeing this Despicable Me Edition.
Candy Land
The best thing about this classic, aside from being candy-themed, is that you move by colors rather than numbers. Thus, you can easily play with very young children.
Elementary-age Games
(many of the games for families listed in the toddler/preschool category are still interesting enough for this age group as well)
We absolutely love this i-spy type game that was introduced to us by friends! It is easy enough to play that very young children can participate, but also quick-paced and competitive enough that even my husband enjoys playing. It’s just perfect for our broad age range! The board is a series of large square tiles that are moved often throughout this picture-finding game. With very young children, you can make every card an all-play card and take a less competitive, more team-work approach.
Battleship is an oldie, but a goodie. I love this game because it’s challenging enough that my husband and I can play each other for at-home date nights, yet our two oldest sons can also play each other. Our middle son learned to play it at the age of 6, but probably could have learned earlier. This game of strategy only requires 2 players!
Cranium Cadoo for Kids
We found this awesome spin-off of Cranium (see under Large Group Games) at Goodwill and it has quickly become one of our favorite games for families! Easy enough for the little ones to participate, but interesting enough for the teen in the house, too.
Don’t Break the Ice and Don’t Spill the Beans
These are 2-4 player games that even young children can play as they do not involve counting or reading. Don’t Break the Ice uses a small plastic hammer to knock out individual ice cubes until the whole platform falls. Don’t Spill the Beans is a game of balance in which plastic beans are added to a pot one by one until the pot tips one way or the other. These games for families both utilize and teach scientific principles, too!
Risk Game
Risk is a game of strategy and conquest. You can make and break treaties, create and destroy armies, and take over the whole world! I think this game appeals more to boys rather than girls, but my sister and I both happen to really enjoy it even as adults. Risk is one of the more time-consuming games for families, but soooo worth it!
The Settlers of Catan
– see description in Family category below.
Murder – this game has been a youth group favorite wherever we go, and we even played it at an adults’ game night once! You’ll need lots of playing space for the game to work well and you also need darkness. We created our own dim area by covering some windows when we played. Basically, one person is chosen by random to be “it” and is unknown to the other players. Then, everyone spreads out and the “murderer” is free to work. What makes this game fun is that when a “body” is found, the lights come on and all players gather together to make accusations and try to figure out who the murderer is. If the person accused is not truly “it,” then the game continues! Be sure to look up extended rules online.
Games for the Whole Family
Jenga Classic
Jenga is easy enough for small hands, but interesting enough for older brains, as well. We have played this game with our four-year-old twins and it works very well as long as we help them a bit.
– see description in Elementary category.
The Game of Life Game
This favorite among our games for families teaches about life choices, careers, finances, and random chance. The first time we played, my husband’s pink “wife” fell out of his minivan game piece and our middle child got the worst case of the giggles. Now every time we play, we talk about the time Dad’s “wife” tried to run away. 🙂
The Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan is our all-time favorite family game (we actually call it “The Game”) and can be played with as little as 2 players and with as many as 12 if you want to re-paint or decorate some of the pieces like we did. The game is very unique and involves a lot of strategy and planning, as well as bartering. Basically, you are a “settler” who chooses where to build. Your object is to grow your territory using resources that you earn according to rolls of the dice. You will build roads, cities, and other settlements as you earn the resources to build with. You can also trade with other players, but beware of the black robber! Although this game is a little more expensive and takes time to learn, it is well worth the effort and expense!!
This game is another oldie, but goodie and can be hard to come by. You may remember playing with marbles on a wooden board as a child? This game is easy to learn, and is much like the game Sorry in that players can be sent back to home if they are landed on. New boards can be expensive, but keep an eye out at garage sales for the board! You can always buy new marbles to go with it. 🙂
This is one of the least expensive games for families ever, but is so much fun. All you need is a set of dice (6, I believe), a printed out set of rules from the Internet, and paper and pencil to keep score with. Although this game is numbers oriented, our middle son learned to play with help at age 6 and really enjoyed it.
Large Group Games
I love this game, especially for large group play, because it combines aspects of many of my favorite games. There are 4 categories: one uses word-based clues (missing letters, scrambled letters, spelling, etc.), one uses music/acting based clues similar to charades, one uses data-based clues (true/false, multiple choice, etc.), and one uses clues that require drawing (sometimes with your eyes closed!) or sculpting with clay. It’s basically like playing pictionary, charades, trivial pursuit, Boggle, and other games for families all at the same time! The best part, however, is that you play in teams, so this game can work for anywhere from 4 to 20 or more players.
Apples to Apples
Here’s another party favorite among our games for families. It is easy to learn and usually involves a good deal of humor. Apples to Apples also gives you insight into the people you’re playing with. You can also buy a kid-friendly version called Apples to Apples Junior .
This game is a favorite for me and probably anyone who is good with words and/or talking. It can be used in a group as small as 4, but is more fun with larger groups. The beeping timer makes the fast-paced game-play even more intense and competitive!
Settlers of Catan – see the description in family games.
Euchre – an inexpensive card game that requires only a single deck of cards. You can play with Four or more. I had never heard of this game until I met my husband, but it quickly became apparent that I would have to learn. It took me a while to learn this game, but it has quickly become one of my favorite card games!
Hand and Foot – another inexpensive card game in which you have two “hands” of cards – one to start with and a second one, called the “foot,” that you play when you finish your first hand. I like this game best when played with partners, in which case you would need at least four players. If you have enough card decks and table space, you could play with a group of 8-10 easily. This game simply requires several decks of normal playing cards. Look up the rules online for more information!
Mafia – this game isn’t your typical board or card game, but can be fun if you have an adventurous group of people. Basically, it’s a whodunnit? game, narrated by a player who sits out of the gameplay and simply tells the story. The game involves a “criminal” who points at a victim, a doctor, who points at someone to save, and a police officer or detective who chooses someone to accuse. The most important part of this game is choosing a good narrator because a lot of fun is in the details that they make up. Look up the details online!
Wink Murder – okay, so this game may be a bit juvenile for adults, but I guess I’m a kid at heart. 🙂 This is another game that you can play on the fly with no preparation and no supplies. Look up the rules online for more information.
Active Games
Children and teens alike enjoy this game of contorting one’s body in order to touch the correct colored circles. With our two youngest, we don’t bother with differentiating between right and left since they haven’t learned this yet. Instead, we just say, “Put your hand on blue.” Surprisingly, one of the favorite parts of this game is the spinner!
Hide-n-Seek – yes, this is usually an outdoors game, but a few winters ago when I was doing some in-home childcare for a friend, I decided we could play indoors! In fact, it becomes even more fun when you turn off all but a few lights and play Scary Hide-n-Seek! Just be sure to tell the players if there are any off-limit areas before you start.
Sardines – similar to hide-n-seek, only the player who is “it” hides and everyone else tries to find him or her. The twist is that when you find “it” you have to hide along with them until everyone ends up in the same hiding spot.
Simon Says – I know this is an old school game, but my children love it. The most popular position is Simon, of course, but it’s really good for our younger children to learn to follow directions and to listen!
Mother May I? – another old school game, but gets my children up and active without being too crazy.
Indoor obstacle course – This is mostly for younger children, but older children and parents can participate by creating the course. Pull out your kitchen chairs, small end tables, and as many pillows as you can gather (you can even use boxes to create tunnels). Find the longest straight stretch in your home and design your own course! My children will do the course over and over and over……well, you get the idea. 🙂
Additionally, Energy-burning Indoor Fun for Kids is chock full of ways to help the kids burn off extra energy when you’re stuck inside.
Well, that’s it for our BIG list of favorite games for families. I hope you find some ideas for new games to try out at your next family game night. To help you get started, here are tips on how to host a game night with young children in the home.
I also have a pinterest board specifically for learning games and activities where I gather ideas for homeschool or just home learning fun, and an AWANA/VBS board where I gather ideas for youth group and children’s ministry. For family-specific activities, be sure to visit the Family Fun Day/Night board, too.
We’re always looking for new family oriented games to add to our collection, so please let us know if you have a great suggestion!
What is your family’s favorite game? What games would you add to the list?
Jen 🙂
*This post makes use of affiliate links. For a full disclosure, please visit the About page.
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We love Settlers!! Lots of other great games on this list, too!
Thanks! Have you tried Cities and Knights? It’s an add-on to Settlers and has become my new favorite. It’s a little more complicated, so would be better for older children and adults.
Jen 🙂
Love the list. I appreciate recommendations of others. We have purchased several games we didn’t enjoy and it is always a big bummer to the kids. Thanks for sharing! ~Blessings~
I tried to choose only games that have lasted over the years. We’ve had many other games that have come and gone, only fun for a time. I hope you found some new favorites here!
Jen 🙂
I actually arrived here via the introductory email for AJ’s Bible study group, but I think you left a few comments on my blog today, if I’m not mistaken, and we were “neighbor’s” on one of today’s link ups. Small world, huh?
Anyways, I just had to comment on this post because this is a fantastic list of games! I’ve wanted to start a game night tradition in our home, but I never know what games the whole family can play {we have an almost-5-year-old}. Will definitely be pinning this for future reference!
Yes, I did leave some comments, and I’m happy to know we’ll be connected through the Bible Study Group! I haven’t done much looking around from the e-mail she sent yet because I’m recovering from an injury. How perfect! 🙂 If you don’t have kid-friendly games yet, I’d definitely suggest Sorry or Pictureka. They would be perfect for that age, but fun for adults, too. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
I love your list – and I love games – however, I am excited to pass the job of organization them to a daughter-in-law.
Glad to hear it! Thanks for visiting.
Jen 🙂
Your list includes some of my favorite childhood games. Had so much fun playing memory and candy land back in the day
I’m happy to hear that, Wanda. Thanks for visiting!
Jen 🙂
Thanks for the great list! We’ve enjoyed Settlers of Cataan & Apples to Apples, plus things like Mafia, etc. A game we played recently is the board game version of Murder She Wrote, which is a cross between Clue and Mafia! It’s great fun!
Lisa, I would really, really love to know the name of that game! 🙂 We are always looking for new favorites around here, although Settlers has been top on our list for about a decade now, haha. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
Such an organized and valuable list, Jen! You’ve done your research for this post, haven’t you?! And we are the great benefactors of your times of fun and competition! That “Murder” game sounds like a new fun one that my family might like. My boys are all “big” now, so choosing a game that keeps them entertained is often a challenge. Thanks so much for sharing this with us and over at Wedded Wed too! I don’t know if it’s your first time to link up there, but I want to be the first to welcome you! I’d love to have you link up every week, new friend!
Another one your boys might enjoy is called GROG, or sometimes it’s called CHUD. It doesn’t require quite as much space as Murder. The Grog hides a flashlight (give them about 2 min.) while everyone else is cooped up in one room. When the time is up, everyone comes out to look for the flashlight, the only “weapon” that can be used to defeat the Grog. The flashlight must be hidden, but visible, so it cannot be underneath something or inside of something. If the Grog catches everyone before you find the flashlight, it wins. If you find the flashlight, you shine it on the Grog and you win! Some variations use a doctor who can “heal” those caught by the Grog. This game is a huge hit with our current youth group! And thanks for the invitation to continue linking up.
Jen 🙂
Coming from Womanhood with Purpose link up- WOW! Great list!
Great recommendations! We love board games in our family and they are such a great way to bond and have fun together.
Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays. Blessings.
Mel from Essential Thing Devotions
Just a quick correction… Trouble has the dice popper in the middle that never comes up as a 6 so you can get out of home; Sorry has cards in which your beloved child bumps you back to the beginning and takes your place on the board, then wins.
Love us some Catan – currently trying to master all the rules in Cities & Knights
Oh, thanks, Christina! You’re right! I’ll change that right away. And Cities and Knights is my new favorite!
Jen 🙂
Excellent list! I have to play more board games!
Some of these games bring back memories. I can’t wait to play board games with Reagan 🙂
Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Now I know where to come when I am looking for a game. We love Settlers of Catan!! Thanks for sharing this on WholeHearted Home this past week.
Yay for Settlers! We do love our games, but that one is, by far, the favorite. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
Love this game list! Many are favorites in our family 🙂 I haven’t heard of Pictureka, though. We’ll have to check it out. Thanks for this great list of recommendations.
I actually enjoy playing Pictureka almost as much as my children! Some friends introduced it to us a couple of years ago. It’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you have young ones or a wide age range like we do. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
I LOVE games! My husband, not-so-much. Been thinking to have a game night and invite friends over to play, because I LOVE games! 🙂
Great idea! On Monday I plan to post about how to host a game night with young children in tow, so you’ll have to come back to check that out. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
Oh, that’s great! Can’t wait to read it!