I stammered for words when my youngest son piped up behind me, “Mommy, why aren’t they helping?” If I had heard him approach, I might have been tempted to shield him from the video of protesters and police colliding. How do I explain the brokenness in our world to an eleven-year-old boy who has very… [read more]

“Man Down” – Built for Christian Community
The ladder crashed to the ground outside, and instantly I jumped up from the couch. Before I reached the front door, I heard my husband’s cries, “Help! Help!” I raced to the area of the roof he was working on and found him flat on his back, unmoving. Blood poured from his chin and his… [read more]

4 Ways the Term Self-confidence Misleads Christian Women
“Mom, I can’t find my soccer jersey!” The oldest boy called out from his room. A frantic search party ensued as we had only 15 minutes until we needed to walk out the door for his game. With a sinking heart, I headed for the laundry room, only to have my suspicions confirmed. I had… [read more]

The Battle Plan Christian Wives Need – 31 Days of Hope for Marriage Event
If marriage is a gift from God, then why isn’t it easier? Have you ever asked this question? From little-girl dreams of white walking down the aisle to grown-woman desires to build a life together, most women have pretty high expectations when it comes to marriage. After all, we’ve been trained to expect a “happily… [read more]

The Power of Your Choice (and Romans 7)
Have you ever felt caught, without escape? No way to possibly win? The power of your choice is something I have learned over years and yet in moments, all at once. One more memorable lesson came on a hot summer day years ago… The day soured suddenly, like spoiled milk. First came the bee sting;… [read more]

Six Practical Ways to Take Your Thoughts Captive
It was on my mind first thing in the morning, last thing before bed, and seemingly every other moment in between. I just couldn’t seem to escape the negative thoughts that had plagued me all week long. The negative attitude I wrestled with came out not only in my thoughts, but in my speech, as… [read more]