Since I spent the majority of my growing up years as an MK (missionary kid), global missions is a subject close to my heart.
But lately, I’ve been plagued by questions of “Am I doing enough?” and “What else can I do?”
So what’s the big deal about global missions anyway? We’re all called to be missionaries where we live, right? Yes, we should be sharing the gospel in our homes, with our neighbors and co-workers, and so forth as is commanded in scripture.
The big deal about global missions is that nearly one-third of the world’s total population remains unreached, meaning these people have had little to no opportunity to hear the message of salvation! These people groups often live in fear of evil spirits or gods and sometimes even participate in horrors like witch-burnings and ritual killings as a result of those fears. Some are trapped by societal boundaries of caste systems or governmental boundaries such as communism.
While we here in America are blessed to find churches on many street corners and bibles not only in our own language, but also in a plethora of translations, our overseas friends are not.
Even driving down the highway, we often see crosses or billboards proclaiming God’s truth. And with the rise of the Internet, the possibilities are further increased! Those unsaved relatives, friends, and neighbors might not know Jesus personally, but most of them at least know of Him.
Source of info: The Joshua Project
But for a tribal man, woman, or child in an unreached location, the gospel message is simply not present. By some estimates, the ratio of American churches to unreached people groups is 140:1.
One hundred forty American churches for every one group of people still waiting to hear the Good News! Are you as surprised by that number as I am?
What Parents Can Do about Global Missions
As a church planter’s wife, I know the unsaved are with us here too, but the need for these unreached people groups is even more urgent yet often more easily ignored.
They have no neighbors who believe, no Bibles to read, no billboards, no Internet, no gospel tracts, no revivals, no churches, no outreach ministries… nothing to connect them with life-giving Good News!
We have a responsibility as Christ-followers to reach out to the unsaved on all levels – within our families, our local communities, our countries, and yes, even our world! Let’s not forget our overseas brothers and sisters who are without hope.
We must be involved with global missions in some way (even if we can’t physically go ourselves), and we must teach our children the importance of reaching the unreached, whether they live nearby or halfway around the world. Not to be “good” Christians or to pat ourselves on the back but because…
without ever having even a single opportunity to hear of the Father’s great love for us, without a chance to experience true freedom.
Please take a moment to view this powerful message from the Joshua Project. I promise it will be worth your time! Be sure to watch it to the very end – the last few seconds are important.
You Should Know (English) Video by MUP.ORG from Mustang International on Vimeo.
So, what can we do? We may not all be able to go at this point in time, so how can we reach out beyond what is comfortable to us? How can we foster a missions mindset in our homes? I’ll be honest with you that I struggle with these questions. What exactly does the Lord require of me and our family in regards to missions?
I don’t have all of the answers, even for myself. My husband is a pastor and much of our “missions” work occurs right here in our neighborhood, but I am convinced that I must not forget that there is a world of dying, unreached people out there, as well.
I hope this bloghop series will answer at the least a few of those questions for us and for you, our readers about our role in global missions.
In addition to my own posts, I’m very blessed to have two other bloggers join me in this missions series, as we attempt to answer some of these questions.
My sister Sarah, from Love Notes, not only grew up on the mission field, she also elected to return to PNG (Papua New Guinea) for a while during her single years. Currently, she and her minister husband serve at a church in Ohio, as well as at the local city mission.
My blog-savvy cousin Angie, from My Four Monkeys, is a homeschooling mama of four. Angie writes all over the web for companies like Tommy Nelson and Alex Toys, as well as on her own blog. She also serves faithfully in her local church, alongside her husband.
We are excited to share with you some amazing materials and methods for teaching missions in your home or in your church, as well as ways to experience missions as a family, and even ways to pray specifically for the most unreached people groups of the world.
The first post, 8 Resources for Teaching Missions in the Home, is live now!
Jen 🙂
Read the series by clicking the images below:
For more statistics on why the need is so great, read here: