If you are anything like me, then cleaning out the fridge is low on the totem pole. You might occasionally reach in for some sustenance and pull out rotten food instead. Instead of giving life and energy, the food is wasted, worthless, and sometimes even downright disgusting.
Our spiritual fruits can be that way, too! Have you ever tested your fruit? Held it up to the Lamp, the faithful Word of the Lord?
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,self-control;
against such things there is no law.
In my bible, beside this passage I have written two small words: the test. Do you want to know how closely you are walking with the Lord? Examine your fruit of the Spirit! Do they pass the test? Are you overflowing with patience, joy, peace, kindness, love, goodness and so on?
All too often I find myself trying to produce these fruit all on my own. I wake up in the morning thinking, I’m going to be patient with my children today. I’m going to be kind and loving to my husband. And later in the day, when strength runs low, I feel frustrated and out of control. I wonder, “Why am I acting this way? What is the matter with me today?” as if some sort of spell has come over me, and I’ve been rendered incapable of obedience.
Finish reading this post by following the link to its new location here.
We recently heard a message in which the speaker asked “How does your fruit smell? Does it STINK?” Goes right along with this! This is a wonderful lesson, and one that I come back to SO OFTEN. I remember the first time I “realized” that ABIDING was so essential and that I didn’t have to “try to pop out fruit” each day. It was back in high school, and I don’t remember who was teaching or what the occasion was…. but it was definitely in PNG. Maybe you remember? It may have been a conference time or something. Anyway, good stuff! Thanks for sharing! Hugs to you!
Thanks, Julie! 🙂 I don’t recall the time you are referring to specifically, but I know it’s something I find myself striving for so often. Trying to produce that fruit all on my own. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!
Jen 🙂
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Monday … join the melody.
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Happy day,
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Sarah! I plan to link up again this week.
Jen 🙂
So true! It’s the fruit of the SPIRIT, revealed in us and through us…we cannot attain it of our own power. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts at Thriving THursday 🙂
Thanks, Crystal! I appreciate the encouragement.
Jen 🙂