As a church-planter’s wife, I have the privilege of leading a weekly Women’s Bible Study group. Walking with these women through life has taught me a great deal about Christian women in general.
Most of us would agree that we need more time in God’s Word. Most of us would also agree that we face many obstacles – time, desire, the know-how, and so forth.
I believe Christian women desire to study the Bible, but many just don’t know where to start!
And let’s be honest, not all Bible study resources are worthwhile.
That’s why I want to wrap up the Benefits of Bible Study series with a list of Bible Study Resources that we have used and loved. These are trusted resources for everyone, from beginners to experienced believers. We have used these tools personally, as well as with our Bible study groups.
How to Study the Bible: 4 Exceptional Resources
The FOCUSed15 Series from Katie Orr
My first introduction to this series came from Katie Orr herself when she spoke at our state women’s conference a few years ago. Each of Katie’s sessions were rich with the Word, and I loved her idea of real, focused Bible study that only takes 15 minutes a day. It’s perfect for busy women!
This past year, I took a group of women through her study Everyday Obedience, and we all enjoyed the grace-filled approach. And as a woman who struggles with perfectionism, this study was a perfect follow-up after finishing my own book manuscript – Being Confident of This.
Reasons why I think the FOCUS15 series is the perfect starting place for any woman who wants to learn how to study the Bible:
- lessons only take 15 minutes a day (yes, this born skeptic actually timed it), but she also includes additional verses for further study
- there is a “cheat sheet” located at the end of each chapter, perfect for beginners
- Katie’s easy Bible study method doesn’t equal fluff – you will learn the FOCUS method of study
You can also find a lot of free Bible study resources at her website!
2. Blue Letter Bible Website
If you have ever used the excuse that you don’t have the resources for “real” Bible study, then this is the site for you!
Blue Letter Bible is a website similar to Bible Gateway and Bible Hub that is useful for studying God’s Word when you don’t have tools like concordances, dictionaries, and parallel Bibles at home (and to be honest, even if you have those resources, using Blue Letter Bible is quick and easy).
If you want to know what the Bible says about a particular subject, just type it in the search bar. You can also look up a verse and, using the “tools” button, you get instant access to an Interlinear Bible (useful for keyword study), a Bibles tab that contains many different translations for parallel reading, a dictionary tab, etc.
Basically, this FREE website is a one-stop-shop for excellent Bible study, and is easy to learn to use by following online tutorials.
I use in my daily quiet time, to prepare Bible study lessons or talks for speaking engagements, and to teach our church members how to study the Bible, too! There’s also an app version available, but many of our ladies have found the app to be a bit finicky. So, I tend to stick with the desktop version (which you can still access on your phone)!
Reasons why I love Blue Letter Bible Website for everyone who wants to know how to study the Bible:
- It’s absolutely free
- I have nearly everything I need for in-depth Bible study in ONE spot
- I can quickly switch back and forth between the tabbed resources it contains (and open as many windows as I need for my cross-references, too!)
3. Bible Study Methods by Arabah Joy
Friend, has your Bible time felt sluggish lately? Do you ever read the Word and walk away wondering if you got anything from it?
We use this course at our church plant because we realize that not every Christian enjoys studying the Bible in the same way. Arabah Joy’s course covers more intellectual, in-depth Bible Study Methods like root word/keyword study, topical Bible study, etc. However, she also explains how to do less time-consuming methods of study, like verse-mapping (my new favorite) and even methods of study that involve more worship, like her TASTE method.
If you are a Christian woman who has struggled with the desire to study the Bible for yourself, I highly recommend this course. Why? Because when you know several different Bible study methods, you can vary the ones that you use, which keeps Bible study fresh!
I, myself, am a creature of habit who loves drawing deeper connections, so I thrive on word and topical studies. Through the Bible Study Methods course, I realized I often neglect the aspect of worship during my Bible study time, as well. I find it difficult to be still before the Lord. I needed that push to learn new ways of connecting to God’s Word.
Reasons why I love Bible Study Methods for both beginners AND experienced believers who want to know more about how to study the Bible:
- 7 different methods allow for variety
- the teaching videos teach new methods step-by-step – helpful for beginners!
- it contains Bible study worksheets that you can print out over and over again
4. The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus by John Cross
Surprisingly, many Christians have never studied the Bible chronologically. I’ll save the reasons why for another time, but if you’ve never studied the Bible chronologically, you should! I grew up in a Christian home with parents who valued God’s Word. They were faithful to take me to church and provide opportunities for discipleship. Nevertheless, I failed to fully understand certain foundational truths until I read this book.
I’ll never forget how my eyes were opened to God’s plan from the very beginning. I’m still amazed at the symbolism of the tabernacle and events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion!
Friend, do you know the tri-fold significance of Jesus’ dying words, “It is finished”? If not, you should.
If I could only recommend ONE book in my lifetime (aside from the Bible itself), The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus by John Cross would be it. It teaches us how to study the Bible by giving us the firm foundation we need in order to comprehend the rest of Scripture!
I’ve walked through this book with a variety of women – from the unsaved to mature believers.
Each time, I gain a new insight. Each time the women make new connections they had never made before. I really don’t have enough space here to tell you how much I love this book for Christian discipleship, so just go get one for yourself! 😉
Reasons why I love The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and wish every believer would read it:
- using Scripture, it walks readers from creation to Christ, providing an overview of God’s story of love
- it provides the necessary foundation for real spiritual growth and roots new believers in a firm understanding of gospel truths
- it helps readers understand the importance of the Old Testament and how it connects to the New Testament
Honestly, I could go on and on about this particular resource. I wish I could give one to every person I meet!
In fact, as a follow-up to the Benefits of Bible Study series, I will be hosting my first ever online Bible study group using The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. If you’d like more details, be sure to sign-up for updates in the form below. You can also learn more by following along on the BCOT facebook page. We are limiting this group to the first 25 women to sign up, so don’t miss out!
Friend, the Word of God is so essential to our Christian growth. I pray you’ll take time this week to grow in the knowledge of the Word!
Do you have a favorite resource for learning how to study the Bible? Feel free to share with us in the comments below!
Would you like to stay connected so you can learn more about our upcoming online Bible study? Simply fill out the form below to join our subscriber list. As a bonus, you’ll receive a link to our library of FREE Bible resources! More information on the Bible study will be coming in the next couple of weeks! (BONUS: you’ll also get access to our library of FREE Bible printables!)