*Being Confident of This makes use of affiliate links. To find out more about affiliate links, please visit the About page. Additionally, a free copy of this book was provided for review purposes. However, all opinions are my own and I have not been compensated in any way for them.
From the very first lines of Sarah Fairchild’s new release, Every Wife’s Choice, I knew this book had the potential to powerfully impact women, especially those in modern marriages.
Every Wife’s Choice: Loving beyond the mood of the moment speaks to the current culture of do what feels good for you and the selfish human tendency to look out for our own interests.
I’ll be honest; as a woman, even a Christian woman, my emotions often dictate my behavior if I allow them to. So stressful moments with my mate are compounded by the fact that emotions come into play and cloud my thinking.
That’s why Fairchild’s book is so important for wives!
“Sure, love is patient, but how do I choose patience in the midst of emotional turmoil? When frustration boils over into meltdown mode how do I release those pent up feelings and act patiently instead? Love is kind, but where do I draw the line before my heart begins to feel like a doormat?
I needed more than pretty cliche’s. I needed practical answers.” ~Sarah Fairchild
More than obvious cliche’s or trite sayings, Every Wife’s Choice delves into Greek word study to discover the significance of the First Corinthians love passage and apply that knowledge to everyday life in a practical yet biblical way.
From chapter one, it’s clear to readers that the foundation for Every Wife’s Choice comes straight from the Gospel itself. The mercy and grace shown to us by a loving Father is what empowers us wives to choose to agape love despite what we are feeling in the moment!
“Jesus never asks us to do more than He has already done, however, and He understands exactly what it means to love an enemy.
After all, He loves us…” ~ Sarah Fairchild
That’s why I wholeheartedly recommend Every Wife’s Choice for women from every walk of life.
In fact, the application of the Greek word study contained in this book reaches beyond marriage, beyond women, and to all Christ-followers. It’s themes are universal!
Although this study comes from a marriage perspective, the information contained is applicable to all women (and even men) desiring to love others as Christ loves us.
It doesn’t hurt that Fairchild’s book is full of humorous anecdotes from her own life, either! The chapter titled “Till Dogs Do Us Part” had me giggling all the way through yet the humor did not distract from her important message.
Fairchild’s easy style and quick humor remove any potential dryness that some readers might find in a typical Greek word study. And although the author’s approach is academic in nature, her effective use of story-telling sets readers at ease.
Each chapter of Every Wife’s Choice builds on the previous, just as each attribute of love described by Paul in the First Corinthians passage builds on the previous one. Such scaffolding of knowledge and application are aptly described by the author in the final pages:
“There is a Rock upon which we can build our love, brick by brick, choice by choice.” ~ Sarah Fairchild
Thus, Every Wife’s Choice is clearly a book for all wives:
~ the newly married wife
~ the fifty-years-in wife
~ the struggling wife
~ the happy wife looking to keep her marriage strong
“[Agape] love enables us to give ourselves fully to the marriage we’re in, whether it’s the marriage we dreamt about or a painful work in progress.” ~ Sarah Fairchild
Fairchild’s aim throughout is to free wives from the tight grip of emotions so that we can become the wives God intended us to be, wives who reflect His heart for others.
What better way to learn to be a godly wife than to study His Holy Word?
You’ve read many a time here on Being Confident of This that we are work-in-progress women. Perhaps that is what I love most about Fairchild’s book – she recognizes the work-in-progress nature of married life.
And she anchors the hope of progress firmly in our Lord.
Now, who wants to win a free copy??! 🙂
Enter to win a free copy of Every Wife’s Choice!
Keep the up the good work-in-progress, friends!
Jen 🙂
Sharing with: Grace and Truth
Something I definitely need to work on.
Me, too, Shanan! 🙂
Sounds like a book that has my name on it….especially of late. I struggle, at times, to respond to my husband IN LOVE. The flesh takes over and what he gets is not always LOVE. I am finding ways to make myself think before I respond, and prayer is one of them.
Me, too, Leah! I’m learning that same lesson about prayer – how to take a brief time-out and ask for some supernatural help. And really the love my hubby needs is more than what I have to give (as an imperfect wife), so it has to come from the Lord!
Jen 🙂
Oooo… I am very interested in this topic. I’ve been meaning to study I Cor. 13 more thoroughly lately. And that it’s from a woman’s perspective makes it even more appealing.
Excellent! I hope you are able to get a hold of a copy. 🙂 I’ve been married for 16 years and still find the insights in this book very helpful.
Jen 🙂
Sounds like a book I NEED to read! Sometimes I put mySELF in time out until I can act ‘better’ – which usually only happens while cooking supper in 100 pct humidity with an SRO audience of the furry family members. (I’m getting anxious just thinking about it right now!) *lol* Luckily, I am blessed with an assurance of God’s Love – no matter how little I feel deserving some days.
Argh! Enough with the heaviness, eh? I’ve put Every Wife’s Choice on my TBR list at GoodReads. Even though my husband calls Dallas Cowboys football ‘church’, he has many beliefs that a ‘Christian’ in nature. We had I Cor 13 read at our wedding. :O)
Oh, so NOW I read the question in the ‘blog comment entry’. OK. When things seem to be a little much to handle, I a) remember my husband’s good points (which are many), b) realize that many of the problems come up because an Adversary is trying to tear down ‘what God hath joined together’, and c) pray in gratitude to God for His goodness in placing me where I am supposed to be, and with the people that I am.
Yes, Luann! There is actually a chapter in Every Wife’s Choice about our tendency to maximize our husband’s flaws and minimize our own, so I love that you are intentional about thinking on your man’s good points! 🙂 And I’ve learned point b to be true more than ever these past few years as my husband pastored a small church. The adversary is alive and active, but thankfully our God is Greater! Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
i like it when it’s practical like that 😀
Me, too, Andi!
Jen 🙂
Thanks for this! I shared the giveaway on my page today!
Thank you for sharing, Cheri!
Jen 🙂
Seems like an awesome book
It certainly is! I’m going to have to read it a second time so I can go a little slower and let it really sink in.
Jen 🙂