Everyday Worship…
It’s not about church or silence or lengthy prayer or even calm quiet with Him.
It’s about living and loving and serving amidst othe chaos of snotty noses and dirty dishes and kids who just can’t seem to get along.
My everyday worship looks more like…
Doing dishes with a song in my heart, or teaching my preschoolers about patience.
Folding laundry even though my eyes are sleepy, or listening to a kid-story that I’ve already heard a few times too many.
Looking up from my work and into their eyes.
Stopping to hug my husband even if I’m in the middle of something.
All this and more makes up my everyday worship.
It’s counting my blessings in the midst of real pain or confusion or doubt because the blessings are many.
It’s choosing to be purposeful in my parenting but still at peace.
It’s dancing in the car with the Christian radio station turned up. Little hands waving in the air to the beat and grins plastered on their faces.
It’s feeling the sting of conviction when that small voice asks, “Are you happy, Mommy?” when she knows I am not. And choosing to let go and embrace real joy.
It’s planning family fun night even when I’d rather just relax.
It’s the heart-swell of awe and thankfulness that comes from seeing something truly beautiful, be it a mountain or the ocean or a sunset, or a preschooler’s delight over a firefly captured in her hand.
My everyday worship.
It doesn’t just happen at church, folks.
Jen 🙂
I learned so much about worship and living out my purpose in everyday faithfulness in the seemingly small things from this book by Rick Warren (affiliate link):