Today I’m sharing wise words from my friend Arabah Joy about our value.
Noise. Our lives are surrounded by it.
It bombards from within and without and much of our daily noise serves one purpose: to tell us how we are measuring up. It tells us what we are… or aren’t. It tells us we are worthy, successful, valuable, up to par… or we, simply, are not. It tells us we can take it easy on ourselves… or we need to try harder, do more, drive ourselves further.
It should be no surprise to us that the enemy of our souls is alive and well in the noise, tempting us to such things as:
Selfish Ambition
As tempting and overpowering as these things may seem, we need not give place to them in our hearts. God’s Word tells us that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. We can face the noise of our lives well equipped for triumph, grace, and confidence.
I am pleased to be part of a brand new series entitled “The Verdict on Value.” This series is about standing in confidence in a dog-eat-dog world and is brought to you by a group of blogging friends who have seen firsthand the damage comparison, insecurity, shame, and the like can do. Throughout this series we are going to share our stories and temptations with insecurity… and how Christ has worked in our lives to free us.
We invite you to join us every Thursday for the next 7 weeks for this series. We have some fun surprises planned as well 🙂 Just be sure to tune in to this blog each Thursday! Here’s a sneak peak into the series and the bloggers I have the privilege of working with on this:
Leah from The Point (Ministry Insecurity)
Arabah from Arabah Joy (Confessions from a Shameful Woman ~with a free mini Bible study printable)
Interview with Jennifer Dukes Lee (and a book giveaway of Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval – and Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes!)
Wrap up with Jennifer Dukes Lee
I am blessed to be join all of you in this series.
Oh, me, too, Leah!
Jen 🙂
Excellent! I can’t wait to read more!
Glad to hear you’ll be joining us!
Jen 🙂
So excited! Speak, O Lord!
Yes, excited to be on this journey with you all! 🙂