Every morning when it’s time to “do hair” we stand in front of my mirrored dresser. “Look in the mirror,” I tell her in an attempt to keep her still as I comb through the tangles that seem to multiply in her near-black hair overnight. She chatters and squirms as I comb, my daughter, my mini-me.
She’s the only girl in our bunch of four, but that doesn’t hold her back. She’s spunky enough to hold her own with her brothers, tough enough to throw an elbow once in a while, and brave enough to climb the same tall pines in the backyard. When she comes in the house smiling with dirt on her pant knees and twigs in her long, straight locks, I think – That’s my girl! Half tom-boy, half princess!
Unlike her twin brother, she’s fiercely independent and prefers playing on her own as much as she enjoys playing with her brothers. She’s smart and inquisitive, loving learning simply for the sake of knowing. And when her feelings get hurt, we can expect a good twenty minute pout. She doesn’t cry often, but when she does, big alligator tears roll down her face from her large, hazel eyes, sometimes silently.
She appreciates order, and beautiful things, and chocolate, and clothes (yes, even at the age of four!), and babies, and animals, and singing, and books, and laughing, and so many more of the same things that I do.
She’s a reflection of me, both physically and in personality. My only daughter, my sweet yet spunky princess.
And having experienced the separation of living halfway around the world as a missionary kid, I cannot even imagine sending her a world away (or any of her brothers, for that matter), especially knowing she would suffer pain and temptation, rejection and persecution, and even death.
But that’s exactly what our Father God did so long ago. He sent us his only Son, His pride and joy, His very reflection, stripped of godly position to become fully human, fully feeling, fully fragile. He did all of this, knowing what would be required of His beloved Son. All so that we might know true life and know it abundantly.
He reflects real Light, real Love, real Hope and real Peace.
Because He is Emmanuel, God with us.
So that we might know Him.
How can we comprehend such a love as this, sisters? That the Almighty God of the Universe would care enough for undeserving sinners to sacrifice the joy of His only Son’s presence in order to gift it to us, so that we might know Him.
That’s the joy of Christmas!
Jen 🙂
I’m joining in with the Five Minute Friday crew this week, albeit a day late. 🙂 We write for five minutes on a one word prompt, no planning, no editing, no stressing. Just words. Join in here!
I may also be linking up with any of these lovely blogs.
What a sweet reflection! Your daughter and our Father! Thank you for sharing your heart today. With love.