Some days the gratefulness comes easy like those lazy days of summer when the sunlight lingers and the breeze flutters warm and balmy. No deadlines looming on the horizon. No crazy schedule.
Those are the days when the kids frolic outdoors like all of the Wild Things that they are. We’re happy and healthy and carefree.
On other days, the story isn’t quite so bright.
The winter lingered a little too long and leftover cabin fever rules the day. Laundry piles up in one messy mountain, and the littlest boy who’s been potty trained for more than a year now, wets himself not once, not twice, but three times in one day for some unknown reason.
These are the days when children bicker and whine and complain, and we find ourselves unable to help them because the bickering and whining and complaining is going on in our hearts, too.
But in Lysa Terkeurst’s book, Unglued, I read about turning that attitude into gratitude, and I know it can be done. Because who wouldn’t feel grateful for a healthy child, or food in the fridge, or soft beds to sleep in?
So even when the gratitude comes hard and we must dig deep to find the good in our day, it still comes. It still comes.
And I’m so grateful.
Grateful for grace and the promise of a God who will never give up on me, never quit working in my life (Phil. 1:6).
Grateful for the blessing of a Mom (and Dad) who love the Lord and taught me the truth of salvation.
Grateful for a house full of rowdy, messy children who simultaneously make my days exhausting and wonderful.
Grateful for 15 years wedded to a man who continues to seek the Lord and love me even when life gets a little crazy.
And for so many other things,
I give thanks.
No more attitude, just gratitude.
Because He is good.
All the time.
Jen 🙂
It’s Five Minute Friday once again, where we gather at Lisa-Jo Baker’s place and free-write for five(ish) minutes on a one word prompt. This week the word is Grateful. Join us if you like!
You may find me sharing at any of these lovely places or here:
Christian Mommy Blogger, Missional Women, My Freshly Brewed Life,
Beauty Through Imperfection, Managing Your Blessings