Sometimes I fail as a Mom; it’s true. Like yesterday when I forgot to put in a load of laundry that happened to contain the soccer jersey my teenage son needed for his game last night. Let’s just say it didn’t smell the best. 🙂
I felt so bad for him and so frustrated with myself for forgetting!
And then there are the times when I forget to sign my seven-year-old’s assignment book every night. Or the times when field trip money is due. How about the times when someone asks you to do something simple, and you agree, only to forget over and over again?!
The truth is that as a mama of four, my mind is occupied by so many different thoughts, needs, and schedules at one time that some things are bound to slip through the cracks. It frustrates me because I used to be a very dependable person….before kids. 🙂
But then I remember something my aunt said on facebook a while back. She told another relative dealing with mom-guilt that she was mothering well. Why? Because this mom teaches her children about the saving grace of Jesus.
And the truth is, that’s enough, isn’t it?!
If shoes go untied and beds go unmade and laundry goes unwashed or unfolded, but we remember to tell our children about Jesus, then we have done the most important thing of all!
Sharing truth, the most important truth in the universe, is the best way to be a “good” mom.
So, if like me you experience an epic fail in your motherhood this week, remember what’s true.
You teach your children about Jesus.
And that’s enough.
Jen 🙂
This Five Minute Friday’s challenge word from Lisa-Jo Baker is True. She’s asking women all over the globe to share their true stories – the good, the bad, and the ugly. 🙂
Sharing with: Inspired Bloggers Network
Hi Jen! Here from FMF. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing and encouraging us Moms. 😉 Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Mary!
Jen 🙂
This is a wonderful perspective. And so TRUE! Enjoy your weekend…thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks! I hope you enjoy your weekend as well. Thanks for returning the visit.
Jen 🙂
Love the encouragement! Thank you!!!
You’re welcome, Andrea. Hope you visit again soon!
Jen 🙂
So true! Who wants to be “perfect” anyway? Too boring!
Hmm, you’re probably right, Rachel. That would be boring! Jen 🙂
I found this via Thriving Thursdays and I totally agree! I always say I’m no perfect anything but a perfect ME and I’m flawed already anyway! I don’t believe in Super Mom, just in Did My Best Mom. And if we wake up each day determined to be renewed in Christ, then we will be okay 🙂 Nice post, thank you for sharing.
I like did-my-best mom! 🙂 And sometimes I’m even okay with we’re-just-trying-to-survive mom. I still feel the desire to attain supermom status on occasion, but it’s becoming less and less. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
I totally agree! Its so important to know we’re not perfect and we need a savior! If you have time, I’d love it if you’d link this to Family Fun Friday.
Thanks so much!
Thank you for encouraging me today, Monica!
Jen 🙂
I was an epic fail in raising my children. Its a good thing that the Lord has everything in His hands instead of mine.
Oh, I fail so often, too, Judith! I think we can all be thankful that God is in control and can use even our failures to work good in the lives of our children.
Jen 🙂
Thank you so much I needed to hear that today especially you made me smile and remember I don’t have a cape I can’t do it all but I can show them the love of Christ and teach them about Him
Yes! I’m so glad this brought you encouragement today.:)