In the few weeks since my husband resigned his position as pastor of our previous church, he has filled out many a job application.
He’s even had several interviews.
But still….
And I have to be honest, claiming God’s promises to provide for His children was a lot easier when we still had extra money sitting in the bank. It’s easier to trust Him for showers of blessing when we’re not quite in drought yet.
I knew that this moment would come when our faith would really be put to the test.
Now is the time.
Now is the time when the money is no longer coming in, the time when the savings account is running woefully low.
Yet now is also the time when we see the very hand of God act on our behalf in both big and small ways!
There shall be showers of blessing…
It’s true, friends, that in the midst of this season of trial, we are reaping a multitude of blessings. Not just mercy drops, but showers!
I’ve been longing to keep record of the showers here in this space as stones of remembrance that I can look back on. So here goes.
A record of our showers of blessing:
~ unexpected income from a funeral my husband preached and I sang for
~ taking a family vacation we were planning but hadn’t paid for yet (not even a need, but purely a want)
~ Church Camp for our middle son
~ Missions trip for our oldest son
~ miscellaneous food for a family get-together
~ a tank full of gas
~ a Kohls gift card for some of our back-to-school shoe and clothing needs
~ new backpacks and school supplies from a local back-to-school carnival
~ a local church’s generous love offering to cover the rest of our school supply list (from mostly strangers…people who don’t even know us, friends!!)
~ Overlapping coupons saving us a bundle on a pair of much-needed running shoes for the oldest boy who is currently in cross country training (hey, this isn’t the first time this bargain shopping mama has asked the Lord for help to find a good deal on necessities)
~ free eggs (I know it’s small, but every bit helps, right?)
~ vacation extras this past week, like cheese fries, ice cream, and a boat ride
~ income from this blog (which has never, ever produced income before last month!)
Specific answered prayers for church-planting needs:
~ donated pews
~ an offer of building space to use for gatherings
~ smooth sailing through the church-planting application process with NAMB thus far
Not just a handful of blessings, friends, no – showers of blessings!
So often I am quick to ask the Father to provide for big, noble, spiritual needs – like funding for church planting or for a missions trip, etc. Then when it comes to smaller needs or things that might just be selfish wants, I’m afraid to ask.
I fear that my reasons aren’t “spiritual” enough, so He might choose not to provide for them. How about you, friend? Are you ever afraid to ask?
This is the promise of love…
When I think on the line above, I’m reminded that God is my Heavenly Father and a father’s main role is to provide for the spiritual and physical needs of his family.
My husband certainly desires to meet all of our children’s needs whether big or small and yes, even some of their wants, too. Yet we are earthly, human, imperfect parents.
“Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!” Mt. 7:9-11
Too often we are busy trusting in our own ability to provide for ourselves to see our Father already at work on our behalf.
It’s only when we are incapable, when we have no way to meet our needs on our own, that we finally turn to Him and ask.
When will I learn? When will we learn that God is the Father who is not only capable, but also willing to provide all that we need, and even some things that we simply want?
Maybe as James wrote, we don’t have because we don’t ask? (Js.4)
I’m not talking about asking the Father to make us millionaires or provide for worldly extravagances (although sometimes He likes to blow our socks off with an extravagance, doesn’t He?!).
I’m talking about asking Him to meet our needs first…
before we step into problem-solving mode,
before we launch into penny-pinching mode,
before we sink into panic mode!
What if we just asked Him first and trusted in His character as our loving Father, as Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides?
There shall be seasons refreshing
Sent from the Savior above…
I’m betting we’d see more miraculous answers to prayer than we’re used to.
Next on the list?
The right jobs for us and a partial new roof before winter.
Praise the Lord along with us, friends!
Mercy-drops round us are falling
But for the showers we plead!
Jen 🙂
Sharing with: Grace and Truth, Tell His Story, A Little R and R Wednesdays, Wholehearted Wednesdays
Beautiful encouragement! Thank you for sharing this! While I say I trust God my reflex is problem solving mode. I want my reflex to be a faith so sure, so certain He will provide what is best that there is no room for fear. May He continue to shower you on this journey!
Me, too, Katie. 🙂 And right after problem solving mode, I usually leap to worry. But I’m learning – it’s a work in progress.
Jen 🙂
in the littlest of things – that’s where He blesses us many times….
Yes, little things. 🙂
God Bless You for being grateful for the “simple” things in life we often take for granted… I am middle aged and my husband I have both lost jobs and gotten downsized – it can be tough in that moment by moment – but God has seen us through!
Hi, Clare, thanks for sharing that encouragement here! I keep reminding myself of His faithfulness in the past. He is a trustworthy God.
Jen 🙂
May the showers continue, friend. You have honored the Lord well in this space with your list of blessings, and your attitude of praise! You bless me!
Thank you, Leah. You are too kind. 🙂 The Lord deserves all of the credit!
This is such an excellent and pivotal post – it requires a readjustment, and I’m thankful for the perspective you have and shared here, Jenn! Praying for you guys! Be thankful, always!
Thank you, Holly! I appreciate you. 🙂
What a great message, I understand what you are going through.
When it seems to feel like we have nothing in our lives, is when we start to realize how much
we really do have in Christ. The more I mediate on his word the more he work the impossible.
These are the scriptures that just makes my heart sing with joy from my NIV Bible is.
Numbers 6:14
The Lord will bless you and keep you.
Psalm 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall: God will help at break of day.
John 1:16
From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
I will keep you in prayers,
God Bless,
Thank you, Inez for sharing these scriptures with us! And for your prayers, too.
Jen 🙂
I saw your sweet face over at TellHisStory and was drawn in. I find you over here, indeed, telling HIS story 🙂
This. “It’s easier to trust Him for showers of blessing when we’re not quite in drought yet.” will preach, sister! You are so right, but I love that you went forward through the hard and chose to build that altar. What a testimony for your husband, your children, and those of us watching from the sidelines.
Praying for you as I type these words that God will CONTINUE to provide AND that you will be keenly AWARE that it is Him and see Him everywhere in your comings and goings.
Loved my time here this morning basking in His faithfulness to you, sweet sister.
Christi, thank you for these kind and encouraging words. I love the idea of having others cheering us on! It reminds me of being surrounded by the “great a cloud of witnesses” mentioned right after the faith chapter (Heb. 11).
Jen 🙂
i love how you list out your showers of blessings! Sharing those blessings encourages all of us to look for all the blessings little and big.
It really is encouraging, isn’t it, Kristi? I always enjoy reading others’ testimony of how God is at work, too. Thanks for reading!
Jen 🙂
Such a wonderful and encouraging message you shared here.
I will write down my requests and my blessings from the Lord because it’s so powerful to look back and reflect on all he has done for us. When we focus on what He has done, we also become more grateful and become acutely aware of His abundant goodness.
Thanks for sharing.
Wishing you a lovely day.
Yes, write them down! My mom has often said she wishes she had written down all of the blessings we experienced during the missionary years. So, I’m working at keeping some stones of remembrance for myself and our children. Thank you for stopping by, Jennifer.
Jen 🙂
Love, LOVE this, Jen! I can’t believe I’m about to type these words, but the house that we were only two weeks from closing on fell through leaving us, essentially, homeless. It was a lot easier for me trust Him, when we had our plan all figured out. And now, when I really need to trust Him, I am struggling. I’ve been doing the same as you, though, and looking for the little blessings. Without them, I’m not sure where my heart would be. Praying over you today, today. <3
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Your words have blessed me, today.
So sorry to hear about your house, Kelsey! What a tough thing! I will pray for you all, as well. Thank you for praying for us and for your kind words here today. To God be the glory!
Jen 😉