“If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all,” right? Maybe not. For Five Minute Friday, Lisa Jo asked us to write about the word truth. Honestly,I don’t have any great new truths to share with you today, just an old truth that I need to hear over and over again. It’s part of that work-in-progress me, I guess.
I like the words on this blog to be uplifting, but this week I’m not in an uplifting place. Instead, I find myself in a let’s-be-honest, sometimes-life-stinks place. I know you understand because sometimes you find yourself there, too. And I’m learning to be okay with that.
So, here’s the truth, even though it might not be very nice.
This is the week that never ends.
The one when my husband and I cannot seem to get along. 😉
The one when I feel so worn down by life that even simple, everyday chores like laundry and caring for children seem to carry such weight.
And I feel like such a whiner for even writing those words because I know, I know, I know the truth, the truth that so many people have it so much worse, and that I… I live a blessed life in many, many ways.
It’s just that this week has left me feeling so discouraged and lonely and needy, and it’s just not me!
It’s a lie, this feeling that I’m stuck, that life will always be difficult this way, that I can’t……
That’s the biggest truth and biggest lie all wrapped up in one, isn’t it?
I can’t.
The statement is true in a sense. On my own, I can’t. On my own, the strength is gone, the patience is gone, the desire to do right is gone. On my own, I want to bury my head in the sand and stay there waiting for better tomorrows.
But “I can’t” is also a lie because I’m not on my own. I’m in Christ. And in Christ, I am more than a conqueror. That’s right – more, sisters! In Christ, I am already victorious. In Christ, I am also fully loved, fully accepted, fully provided for, fully complete.
In Christ alone, my Hope is found.
It’s the opposite of the lies I’m tempted to listen to.
In Christ, I can.
And it comes down to my choice, and your choice. Which one will we give ear to today?
I pray it’s truth.
Jen 🙂
Love this music from Mandisa for a boost!
I’m linking up with the Five Minute Friday crew over at Lisa Jo’s place, where we free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt – no stressing, no over-thinking, no planning, no editing. Join us!
You may also find me linked up at any of these lovely blogs.
Oh, Jen,
I can relate…I have had those days, and those weeks, and you’re right: it is a choice to believe the truth of who we are in Christ or the lies that lead us to further discouragement…it is so hard sometimes..and sometimes, we might need a little help from a friend to remind us of what is true…praying you feel better and that you can rest in the truth of God’s love for you 🙂
Thanks, Dolly! One thing I love about writing out a blogpost is that the act of thinking through those lies seems to always bring me back to truth. So even in the writing itself, I feel encouraged!
Jen 🙂
Oh how much do I love this? Your honesty and being brave and yes – haven’t we all been there… will find ourselves there again some day… and how we all have the glorious choice and the glorious truth of Christ in us! So glad you wrote true tonight!!!
Thanks, karrileea! I appreciate you stopping by to encourage me.
Jen 🙂
I can’t seem to comment on your blog. I can’t remember my WordPress login (but I need to find it because I’m switching over soon). But here is my comment:
Oh I am so glad Im not the only one. I have weeks like that often: my husband is a shift worker and we have two toddler .oh and we live in our renovation project. Its usually a little crazy around here and sometimes crazy does not equal fun. At all. But I love how you brought it around to the ultimate truth at the end: In Christ Alone. Where would be without Him?
Blessings from Croatia,Rosilindwww.littlerandr.org FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 05:39:19 +0000 To: alittlerandr@outlook.com
It’s always good to know we are not alone, isn’t it?! We have a great High Priest who knows all of the hardships of being human, including the physical and emotional burdens we sometimes bear. We also have this amazing sisterhood of believers who know and understand that pain, as well. I love these good reminders – they give me much needed perspective. Thanks for stopping by, Ros!
Jen 🙂
I contend with this daily, constantly having to push back the lies to hear His truth. Thank you for sharing your heart tonight.
Yes, Barbie, it IS a daily struggle, even when we don’t recognize it. And maybe that’s where God has brought me – to the point where it stares me straight in the face, day after day. He wants me to see it, so we can overcome! Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
I agree that there are times that going back to our faith or teacher is the one place to replenish strength to move forward. There are plenty of days like this when on our own, we stumble. Thank you for sharing your truth.
Thanks for stopping by, Tam! Faith in Christ has definitely carried me through some really tough times.
Jen 🙂
The TRUTH is that we all have those days, weeks, months. I love that you are transparent about it. I think that kind of transparency, and the pushing through with Christ, is what the world needs to see. It tells them that we, Christians, are real and are effected by the same things that touch the rest of the world. The difference is that we have Christ who helps us be overcomers. Blessings to you.
Thanks, Leah! I hope it’s helpful. This was one of those posts where I wasn’t sure if I should really publish, so it’s good to hear that others can relate. I love what you said at the end – the difference is that we have Christ!
Jen 🙂
Such a transparent post. And so very true. Somehow I cannot help but thinking that in writing this, the truth will set you free. You admitted to thinking the lies. You stated the truth. And now may our God give you the strength to move forward in what today holds for you. Visiting from Essential Fridays today. Blessings!!!
Yes, the truth does set me free. That’s what I like so much about writing – it forces me to work through those thoughts that clang around in my head, haha. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
Loved this. Thank you for your honesty and authenticity. I can relate on many levels. Yes, it’s such a struggle to get past those lies but I love your words that we are not on our own and in Christ we are conquerors. That is the truth.
Amen! More than conquerors and I will keep coming back to that truth until it really sticks. 🙂
Jen 🙂
Jen, thanks so much for your honesty. I think speaking the truth is often about being real about where we are at. I know those weeks and I am so sorry that you have felt discouraged. Yet, you cling on to the truth of your faith courageously. Your words always bring so encouragement to others.
Thanks so much for sharing at Essential Fridays.
Thanks, Mel. I greatly appreciate your encouragement!
Jen 🙂