If you had the choice and neither time nor money were factors, which would you choose: fine dining or fast food? A professionally cooked steak or a microwaved burger? While I crave the occasional french fry or milkshake like any other person, given the choice between the two, I would rather eat a meal of real food than the more convenient alternative.
However, I can’t always say the same about my spiritual food.
Too often I let fast-food type nuggets of truth pass for quiet time with the Lord.
A quick prayer offered here and there.
A verse I saw on facebook.
Even a well-written, Christ-honoring blog post.
Don’t get me wrong, all of these convenient options are good; we should be continually praying and consistently abiding in Him. I know that finding Mary moments in our Martha world is difficult, especially with little ones in the home! Those brief snacks help us to do just that.
But which of us mamas would feed our little blessings a steady diet of fast-food only?
We wouldn’t! In fact, we often work hard to make sure they get what they need nutritionally. We do things like sneak in veggies, plead with picky eaters, and sometimes even resort to the bribery of dessert because we know they need to eat those green beans! 🙂
In the same way, our heavenly Father does not wish to see us settle for a spiritual diet that lacks substance.
“Come and dine,” the Master calleth, “Come and dine!” He desires us to drink deeply of the Living Water, not to live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. He wants to see real growth so that we might experience that abundant life that He planned for us from the beginning. He offers real spiritual food, the kind that satisfies.
And don’t we feel the difference, friends?
When I snack on spiritual fast food, I might feel okay for a little while. I can check “quiet time” right off of my list. I might even maintain a patient and loving demeanor for a time.
But the truth is those little snacks are not enough to carry me through a long day and the next…and the next…and the next. The temptation to substitute the quick, convenient alternative for a real meal eventually leaves me running on empty. And if I carry that pattern out for a few days, that outward facade is sure to slip. I become grouchy, impatient, unloving, and downright selfish. I’m dissatisfied with life.
Even my blessings become burdens.
On the other hand, when I take the time to really dine with the Lord, I feel so alive, don’t you? His presence provides me with a jolt of energy and grace that lasts a good while longer, and the benefits only multiply if I dine on His spiritual food consistently!
What would happen if we quit substituting spiritual snacks for the real deal?
Might we experience a deeper walk?
Would the fruits of the Spirit come more easily? Would grace reign in our hearts and homes?
My goal for the week is to choose the feast consistently, to be steadfast in my pursuit of real spiritual food. I want to be satisfied in Him, not empty.
Will you join me, friends?
As a mama of four, I know what I’m asking is far from easy! I’ve spent those long days unshowered and unfed. I’ve trudged through those sleep-deprived trenches, just desperate to survive, never mind thriving. And some days, yes, a fast-food option really is the best spiritual food we can manage.
But I also know the strength and endurance I need to be the wife and mother the Lord wants me to be cannot be gained from spiritual fast-food alone.
“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you
the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant,
is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.
But solid food is for the mature,
who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
Hebrews 5: 12-14
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s not be spiritual babes, content to feed on what is easy or convenient. Instead, let’s accept the challenge to dig deeper, to run to the banquet He prepares before us.
Choose the best spiritual food, the Bread of Life.
Will you dine with the Father this week?
Jen 🙂
Amen!! This is a wonderful analogy and well said! I ‘Liked’ your blog 🙂 I hope someday you will link-up your posts at DRAH. Blessings!
Thank you, Jacqueline. I usually do link up at DRAH and I appreciate your writing as well. Thanks for visiting!
Jen 🙂
Jen, I am so glad you’ve linked up at moretobe.com for Transformed Tuesdays. The Biblical Truth you’ve captured is wonderful. We’d love it if you’d also post the button on your sidebar or in the post, or a link back to Transformed Tuesdays! Thanks!
Thanks, Elisa. I have the button posted on my Favorite link-ups page. There were too many to fit in my sidebar. Is that acceptable? If not, I can include a link at the bottom of my post as well. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
I’ve incorporated the practice of silence and solitude in my daily time with the Lord for about the past year and it has really enriched my spiritual life and given me the peace to face my crazy hectic day, Jen. I’m so glad you’re highlighting and encouraging this practice and reminding us of the difference between a “fast-food” mentality in our Bible study time. It’s so easy to fall into that in our busy society, but so very necessary to push back the rush and sit at Jesus’ feet. Thanks so much for sharing!
I’m currently trying to get back into that good habit after letting it slip for a while. My main problem is consistency. 🙂 But I know the great value that lies in it because I’ve been there before. I don’t want to be settling for fast-food spirituality any longer. Sitting at Jesus’ feet should be my number one priority! Thanks for stopping by.
Jen 🙂
Dear Jen,
So true…whenever I don’t spend time in silence and solitude, I can tell the difference, and sadly, so can my family…blessings to you and thanks for sharing 🙂
Ah, yes, Dolly. So can our families – how true that is! Thanks for stopping by.
Jen 🙂
This is so good!! I love the comparison that mamas can so easily relate to! Pinned it to my inspiring board. Thanks for linking up this week!
Thanks for pinning, Rachel! When my husband included this idea in the end of his sermon, I knew I had to blog about it. Because it challenges and convicts me! I’m glad you stopped by today.
Jen 🙂
This was a very convicting post for me personally…thank you for your reflections and for the time spent writing them…no fast-food spirituality here! : )
I find it convicting myself, Gisela! 🙂 I’m glad you stopped by today.
Jen 🙂
Wonderful and very convicting post. I love “Mary Moments in a Martha World”… that is SO true! This world is so busy, life is just go, go, go. It makes such a difference to start the morning out in God’s Word and surrender each day to Him. Just like fast-food is just a quick, not-so-healthy fix, so is fast-food spirituality – it works for a time, but doesn’t help you to grow deeper in relationship with the Lord.
Thank you for this post! I saw your blog on the “Teach Me Tuesdays” link-up 🙂
Thanks, again, for stopping by! I’m glad the post resonated with you.
Jen 🙂
That was a seriously good message. So thank you, and thank your husband! I have been subsisting on nuggets lately and I can tell the difference. Thanks for the reminder of the banquet that awaits. <3
I’m so glad it spoke to you! I will definitely tell my husband so that he can be encouraged as well. Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂
Setting aside time with the Lord is so important each day before we meet our family. I remember days when I would just have finished my quiet time and one of my children would have issues. Who knows how much worse my response would have been if I had not spent time with the Lord. Then, there were days when it just didn’t happen and who knows how much better my response would have been if I had met with the Lord privately first. For years I hardly ever miss my quiet time during the week but I find that time shortened or sometimes just doesn’t happen when my husband is home. I also often think about how much time we can spend on the internet and how we ought to make sure we spend time unrushed with the Lord as if the Bible is His blog to us.
Thank you for sharing with us, Judith. I know my responses definitely hinge on whether or not I’m actively abiding in Him. 🙂 And yes, even good things like blogs and children and husbands can distract from our pursuit of Him. Consistency is key – and that’s an area I’m still working on. Now that I’ve put the challenge out there, you all are like my accountability partners – it’s great!
Jen 🙂
I wonder if our technical devices are doing a terrible dis-service here. It’s so easy to catch a spiritual fast-food snack at your favorite blog or Facebook page. I remember when the only way to read the Bible was to pick up the Bible. I’ve been trying to do that more lately instead of using an electronic device; and, for me, I think it helps. Thank you for this very timely post. I’ll be sharing it.
Thank you, Rosemary! Yes, I think there are both advantages and disadvantages to our new technology. One thing I like about it is that the Bible is more easily accessible. If I’m out and about without my Bible, I can easily look something up that I or a friend have a question about. However, I think there is a temptation that comes from that, too. Because it is easy to access, we value the Word less. As an MK, I’ve seen villagers recieve the New Testament in their own language for the first time. The response they have puts me to shame. I want to value the Word like that! 🙂