Just plain tired of being tired.
Sometimes we don’t realize how worn out we are until we have a chance to get away, a chance to rest, a chance to “be still.” We don’t realize we’ve become weary in following our Father. We don’t realize we’ve become weary in serving others.
This past week we took some rest at a cabin in the woods during our children’s Spring Break.
I noticed that I didn’t feel as needy this year as I did last. Last year I was nearly desperate for some time away. Life seemed so very overwhelming in many ways then. And it’s not that life never feel overwhelming now, either, but it was different then.
I wanted relief.
I yearned for escape.
I thought that by “getting away” from it all, I might find peace from life’s problems. But those problems just followed me wherever I went.
I was looking for rest in the wrong places.
This year hasn’t been quite so difficult thus far, in spite of the flu-turned-bronchitis-add-to-that-mono months of December and January. I have only one word for the difference – contentment. In general, I am content.
I’m certain the difference can be attributed to my walk with the Lord, which has been a little closer and a lot sweeter lately. I’m learning that no matter what comes my way, He is my only source of life, love, strength, shelter, and so much more.
In Him, I find rest.
It’s that rest born from trust that leads to peace and joy beyond our understanding.
It’s a supernatural rest that doesn’t make sense using man’s logic because from the outside perspective our lives might look a little hectic. And the world would tell us, take some time for yourself. Quit serving others and serve self. You deserve it. You neeeeed it.
But I hear another voice that says take up your cross and follow me.
And just when I’m feeling overwhelmed that sweet reminder comes that by His side the burden will also be light.
Don’t get me wrong, now. I’m not against rest and I certainly need physical rest at times myself. But even more than physical rest, I need spiritual rest.
Do you have it, my sisters in Christ?
Do you have rest? If not, it’s yours for the taking and you can find it by abiding in Him moment by moment, day by day, trust building upon trust.
Sometimes we need a rest.
But sometimes we just need Jesus!
Jen 🙂
While we were away, I had the opportunity to spend time taking pictures. Lately I’m often reminded of the power of the Cross. It’s because of the cross we can cease striving and be still. It’s because of the cross we can rest in the gift that is Grace.
Sharing with: Grace and Truth
So true. Even more than sleep, a bubble bath, a night out… I need time with my Lord!
Yes! Thanks for stopping by, Ally.
Jen 🙂
Beautiful, Jen! It’s so easy to forget this truth. Then striving and weariness rule the day. Excellent reminder of where we will find our true rest and contentment. Blessings!
It was a hard lesson last year, but I’m learning more and more. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!