Hello, friends! How has your week been? I’ll be honest. It’s been a little up and down here. I’ve learned that I do really well persevering as long as I’m receiving fairly constant encouragement and seeing results. But the minute I run into a roadblock, I often begin to lose heart.
Earlier this year when I wrote about the word Persevere being my word for the year, I had no idea how much I needed to learn in this area. Part of persevering for me seems to be maintaining hope. It’s obviously still a work in progress, but the Father has been faithful in giving me this lesson in many different areas of my life. He’s making the message nearly impossible to miss. 🙂
Last week’s Grace and Truth was full of repeated messages as well, it seems! I read several posts about letting go of fear so that we might become who God created us to be. I also read a few about how BIG our Father God truly is. But two posts stood out to me in particular because of some situations we have faced both in our family and in ministry.
Meredith from According2Meredith wrote about how often we let others down when they need help the most – perhaps because of mistakes they have made, etc.. I agree with much of what she wrote and think it falls right in line with Agape love – that unconditional love Jesus shows to all of us sinners who mess up time and time again. Loving others requires us to go beyond what we are comfortable with.
Along the same lines, Ruth from The Mustard Seed wrote about practicing what we preach in the Church. Is it possible that our churches have become so “middle-class” as to make those who feel lesser-than avoid them? How can we reach those who really need to hear Truth?
It’s easy to grow comfortable in our Christian “bubbles” and forget about the world out there that desperately needs saving! I know I’m guilty of losing that urgency from time to time.
I look forward to reading what you all have to share this week!
Jen 🙂
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Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement each and every week. If you’re a blogger our hope is that you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader our hope is that you’ll meet new bloggers that love Jesus just as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
Meet Your Hosts
Satisfaction Through Christ
Kaylene Yoder
The Brown Tribe
Arabah Joy
A Divine Encounter
Being Confident of This
Busy Being Blessed
Sharing Redemption’s Stories
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Betsy de Cruz says
Hi there Jen, I’m visiting from Grace & Truth. Sorry you had ups and downs last week. (We all do, don’t we.) Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day here (up) and today it’s overcast and raining. (up). Perseverance is a great word.
jstults says
Hi, Betsy! So nice to “meet” you here. 🙂 Yes, we all have ups and downs from time to time. We had one really lovely week of warmer weather here last week and then some snow this week! But we were able to enjoy some time away with our four kiddos, so it was a lovely week in spite of the snow.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jen 🙂