Today I was falsely accused.
And it stung.
It’s happened before but this wound pierced especially deep because I knew. I knew I was innocent.
I knew the accusations had more to do with the other person’s heart condition than any imagined offense on my part. In fact, I knew I had been gracious, kind, and patient in spite of the circumstances.
To do right…and be falsely accused.
Have you been there before, my sisters?
I’m certain you have because even when no one else is accusing us, our Enemy is! That’s even one of his names, the accuser.
So often we find ourselves in need of a defender because we’ve been falsely accused, and we’re just hoping someone will stand in our defense.
Sometimes we look to friends or family members. Sometimes we look to brothers and sisters in Christ.
But only One can faithfully defend us.
I’m learning more and more to hear the Defender’s voice. I’m waiting more patiently for Him to fight on my behalf. I can trust Him to go to battle for me rather than feeling the need to defend myself because
He has chosen me.
He has redeemed me.
He has declared, “No more condemnation” over me.
He says the same about you, too, my sisters. You, His beloved ones.
So, today I’m clinging to this promise:
Yes, we’ve been falsely accused, but praise the Lord, we have a Defender!
His name is Jesus.
He speaks Truth over us.
The Enemy shudders at His name.
And nothing,
nothing can separate us from His love!
Jen 🙂
I’m joining in with my Five Minute Friday sisters again this week (albeit a little late). We gather together at Kate’s blog and write on a one-word prompt for five frenzied minutes – no planning, no over-thinking, no editing. It’s fun and frightening all at the same time. This week’s word is “because.” Come join us!
And if you enjoyed what is written above, you’ll certainly enjoy this perspective from Jennifer Dukes Lee.
Also sharing with Grace and Truth