Remember that Old Testament story about Abram? The time when God told him to go “in between,” into the land of the unknown with no destination in sight, no idea where the road might lead?
Gen. 12:1 “Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you…”
I believe my husband and I are facing one of those unknown in betweens. It’s happened before; in fact, it happened as little as 2 years ago when the Lord began to speak to us individually. His voice wasn’t clear at first, just a feeling that some big change was coming and we’d better be ready!
And a few months later my husband quit his job and took a position in full-time ministry. And a year later, we finally sold our house and moved. And it’s been difficult,
And it’s been difficult, yet beautiful.
The in between can be scary – the kind of are you really going to ask me to leave all of my friends and family scary. Do I need to sell my house scary. How will my children react scary. I don’t know if I’m strong enough for this scary. What exactly are you asking scary.
I’ve always been impressed by Abraham’s ability to go forth into the in-between with no ifs, ands, or buts.
No conditions on his obedience.
No bargaining.
No pleading for more time.
Going into the in between without bartering for some sort of control is difficult. But I know if our Savior is leading us there, then the in between will be a good place, perhaps difficult, but good. The in between will be good for me, good for my husband, good for my family, good for my faith.
I know it.
I cling to it.
I wish the knowing lessened the feeling. 🙂 It’s true. The fear is still there, that unknown in between that stretches beyond our human vision. But like Abraham, we’ll venture forth into it, trusting and believing that although we have no idea where the road ends, He does.
It’s true – the fear is still there, that unknown in between that stretches beyond our human vision. But like Abraham, we’ll venture forth into it, trusting and believing that although we have no idea where the road ends, He does.
What was Abraham’s reward? A son.
No even more, a nation of sons. The beginning of the Promise that would bring hope to all mankind, an abundant blessing he could not even have imagined when he first stepped into the in between.
We’ll listen for His voice.
We’ll go in between.
Jen 🙂
linking up at for Five Minute Friday.
Jennifer Kostick (@girlondoorstep) says
This is beautiful! I have been “in between” in the way you are speaking, and showing obedience to God does bring blessing. He delights in us. Great post!
I am your neighbor at Five Minute Friday. 🙂
stultsmamaof4 says
Thanks, Jennifer! I pray for strength to be obedient without condition. 🙂 Some moments I’m ready to follow Him wherever He leads, and other moments I’m asking Him to wait. It’s a work in progress!
Jen 🙂
jenpcv says
Going into the in between is HARD! I’m there now-questioning and wondering and trying to trust. But I know He has the best plans for me, so I’m trying to give it my all! Good luck to you.
stultsmamaof4 says
Oh, it is so hard, isn’t it? But so rewarding on the other side of that in between. He always amazes me with the blessings He has in store for us. Thanks for visiting!
Jen 🙂
Barbie says
Oh yes the unknown can be quite scary. But God promises to go with us. And when we are obedient to His calling, we reap a bountiful blessing! Have a beautiful weekend.
stultsmamaof4 says
Yes, He promises to go with us. That’s what gives us strength to be obedient. I hope you have a beautiful weekend, too, Barbie!
Jen 🙂
Debi @ says
Oh what a place in which to find yourself. But it sounds like you have the faith to let the Creator of the Universe see you through. I’m excited to hear how it all plays out. Thanks for sharing.
stultsmamaof4 says
Thanks, Debi! Some moments I find excitement, others I find worry, but I have to keep coming back to His promise to carry us through. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Jen 🙂
christiansupermom says
Oh yes… I can completely relate to how you’re feeling. Four years ago my husband and I were at the point where God told us “go to the land and I will show you” and we had to trust Him as we picked up our life in Southern California and moved our family clear across country to Western PA with no job and no plan. God’s provision and His plan is perfect. It was exactly what our family needed most. I’m sure His plan for you is absolutely perfect. Take comfort in that truth. 🙂
stultsmamaof4 says
Wow – that’s quite a move! 🙂 As an MK and now a pastor’s wife, I’ve been in situations like this before. I think it’s the waiting for a clear word that is so hard – the imagined possibilities are endless. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement.
Jen 🙂
Mia says
Dear Jen
This is now precisely where our Pappa wants us to be, at the end of ourselves! Not a comfortable place to be, yet so incredibly glorious as we learn to live in complete dependance on our God and Him alone!
Much love
stultsmamaof4 says
True words, Mia!
Jen 🙂
amypboyd says
That in between place where He ask us to take that next step even when we don’t know what is it is so hard.However, it is in these times that we get to see Him working.
stultsmamaof4 says
Yes, it is one of those paradoxes of faith – something that at times is so frightening, yet so rewarding. Taking those steps into the unknown is indeed refining. Thanks for visiting!
Jen 😉
Mel says
I remember a significant in between time for us…the six weeks spent between our life in Indonesia and moving to our new home in IL. (It was spent at my in-law’s with our brand new baby girl.) Every day was hard…the wading through how to be a new mommy while living in another’s space, figuring out how to live in America again and trying to find a place to live in a town 7 hours away…I think my head was constantly spinning. But God was faithful, even through those days of in between…and looking back, He had it planned so perfectly. Many blessings to you and your family as you live the in between…I know you will see just how good He is. 🙂 Have a great weekend, friend!
stultsmamaof4 says
Thanks for sharing, Mel! He is good, all the time.
Jen 🙂
Faith @ Artistic31Mama says
Wonderful post! Yes it can definitely be scary going into the “in between” but trusting in God is the one way we can go on through it. I love how you used Abram as an example. 🙂
stultsmamaof4 says
Abram’s faith amazes me!
Jen 🙂
rkrumpe94 says
Visiting you from A Royal Daughter facebook group. Love this in between perspective and comparison to Abraham. There is so much hope in his story in that God can do things that we never imagined were possible simply by our obedience. Blessings to you as you continue to obey His leading! Love, Rachael @ Inking the heart
stultsmamaof4 says
Hope – yes! Thanks for visiting, Rachael.
Jen 🙂
Karolyn Ingram says
Really great, Jen. Exactly what I needed to hear today 🙂
stultsmamaof4 says
I’m so glad to hear it was helpful, Karolyn. Thanks for visiting!
Jen 🙂