I have been invited to co-host my first blogging linky party this week! So, if you have any pin-worthy posts to share, join in the fun! Just follow the directions below and remember to link up your pin’s url and not your post’s url. Enjoy! 🙂
Here we go! Week #13… and it’s time to link up your fabulous pins!!
Here’s the rundown…
- You can link-up ANY pins that you’d like with the exception of Giveaways.
- This hop will now be featured on 6 blogs! We have 3 WEEKLY co-host spots and YOU could be next weeks co-host!
- The weekly co-hosts will be selecting the FEATURED PINS at each week’s party.
- Every week, each FEATURED PINNER will be given the option to co-host the FOLLOWING week’s party! 🙂
Our Featured PIN”s will be a REQUIRED re-pin in order to link-up the following week! That means, if you are Featured, and we have 60 link-up’s that weekend, your PIN will be RE-PINNED 66 times including the hosts & co-hosts. The number of times your Featured Pin will get re-pinned depends on the amount of link-ups we have that week.
Yes, we’re making it MORE FUN to Link-up with us 🙂
So here we go…
- Follow your Hosts on Pinterest & Re-pin last weeks WINNERS
Follow your hosts on Pinterest: Melanie / Lydia / Stephanie
Required Pins
9 Ways to Sneak in Veggies from Jen of Being Confident of This
Witch’s Brew from Candace of Candace Creates
Who Are “the Joneses”? from Stacey of The Anonymous Blonde
- Linkup up no more than 2 PINs on linky below.(These are your PIN URL’s not your post. Old or new but not the same ones each week.)
- To make this easy and to make sure EVERYONE get’s PINNED:
- Re-pin ALL other links in your link row.
- Tweet about it! Tweet
- Post our NEW button on your sidebar or hop page.
There are 2 sizes below to choose from.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.mommymentionables.com/category/blog-hop/" title="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!"><img src="http://www.mommymentionables.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LGpushpin_edited-1.jpg" alt="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.mommymentionables.com/category/blog-hop/" title="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!"><img src="http://www.mommymentionables.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/pushpin_edited-150.jpg" alt="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.mommymentionables.com/category/blog-hop/" title="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!"><img src="http://www.mommymentionables.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/featuredbuttonGETINSP.jpg" alt="Get Inspired With Us Pinning Party!" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Click to enter the party!
Jen 🙂
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