“You’re the best Mom ever!” She proclaims, as she grins and squeezes me with her small arms, and my heart nearly bursts for the joy of hearing it.
“Well, you’re the best daughter ever!” I smile back down at her.
And it’s true. She may be my only daughter at this time, but she is also the best. I know she needs to hear those words; I know she needs me to tell them to her. I know because I need those words, too. I need the “I love you”s, and the “you’re the best”s, and the “you’re the beautifulest mom ever”s, and the “I missed you”s.
So, if I, the grown up, need those words to be told, how much more does my little five-year-old bundle of sweetness crave those words? So much more. So much more.
So I tell her all the words that need telling – the words about love, the words about like, the words about her character, and the words about her Savior – because she needs to hear all of those important words. She needs to hear them often. She may only be five now, but soon enough she’ll be heading to high school just like her oldest brother. And then she’ll leave for college (Lord-willing), and who will tell her all the words that need telling then?
We’ve only a few years, sisters, a few short years to tell all the words that need telling. Only a few years to tell of our love for them. Only a few years to tell of the Savior’s love, too. And they need to hear them because love is so central to the Gospel, so important.
Don’t be shy; don’t hesitate.
Even if the words don’t come naturally to you, tell the words today, all the words that need telling. We are never guaranteed tomorrow.
Deuteronomy 11:18-19
18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on
your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up.
Tell Love
and Truth
and Kindness
and Peace.
And do it today!
Jen 🙂
It’s Five Minute Friday and after taking a few months off, I’m so happy to be joining my sisters in Christ over at Kate Motaung’s blog. We gather there ever Friday (some of us on Thursday evening) and write a fast and furious five minutes on a one-word prompt. No planning, no editing, no second-guessing. Just the written word. Come join us!
I’m also sharing this post at:
Missional Call, Essential Thing Devotions, Missional Women, Mom’s The Word, A Mama’s Story, Monday Parenting Pin It Party, Cornerstone Confessions
Thank you for your post, Jen! It’s touching to hear you and your daughter exchanging words of love to each other. Thank you for the reminder to pass on love and truth. To tell kindness and peace. Blessings, Katy #FMFparty
Thank you for stopping by and reading these words, Katy! 🙂 This week is a little on the sappy side because our littlest two just started kindergarten this week. For the first time in 14 years of mothering, I find myself in an empty home during the day. So, it’s really been hitting home how quickly the time goes!
Jen 🙂
What a beautiful post. And you’re right, our kids need to hear those words of life. As moms, we get the privilege of telling them God’s truths, telling them of their value and their worth in God’s eyes and in ours. The days are long, but the years are short. Trying to remember that as my boys grow older daily. 🙂
Thank you, Jeanne. What a privilege we have as mothers! Yes, the days are long, some more than others. 🙂 Glad to have you here this past week.
Jen 🙂
Jen, you are so right. We all need to hear words of love and affirmation. My husband and I have had this impressed on us in a huge way in the past few years. We became a host family to a beautiful Australian young woman who was attending college nearby our home. Over the course of about 2 years, Bree truly became part of our family. Along the way we discovered that she has NEVER known her dad. has no clue who he is. My husband has stepped beautifully into the role of Father to her. They have a neat relationship. She has voiced that she had no idea the hole that was in her heart because of the lack of a dad. A hole that has now been filled by my husband’s love and care. He, too, has been impacted. It has been so beautiful to watch. We are so thankful the Lord entrusted us with this opportunity.
What a beautiful story, Leah! I know so many young people who have that same hole, and it’s hard for them to understand a loving God when they’ve not experienced such unconditional love at home. Thankful for people like you who are so willing to step in and demonstrate the love of Christ!
Jen 🙂
Thanks for the reminder. I’ll grab my 5 year old up and be sure she hears what I need to tell her today too!
Yes, Helene! Sometimes it feels a little awkward to be so serious out of the blue, but they need it. I’m so glad you stopped by here this week.
Jen 🙂
Life is so busy that we can easily forget to say those words to our children. Thank you for this beautifully written reminder! (Found your link on the parenting pin it party)
It’s so easy to take time for granted, isn’t it? I do it often. 🙂 I’m so glad you stopped by here!
Jen 🙂
This was such a great post. It’s also ironic that I have a similar post that has been pressing on me all day long. Wonder if God is trying to get one of his messages out there?