“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6
Why start a blog about living a life of grace and truth as a daughter of the King, when there are already a lot of great blogs out there on this same subject? I’ve been asking myself this question for months, talking myself out of blogging for months, making excuses for months. Who am I to think I have something important to say? Why choose to write in the format of a blog? What if no one likes what I write? Isn’t it prideful of me to think I could lead other women to walk in Christ, to grow in Christ-likeness? I asked all of these questions over and over.
One of the answers I found was that this blog would be a creative outlet for my desire and ability (albeit amateur) to write, a very inexpensive outlet. Another answer I found was that I often have a desire to “speak up” about issues concerning faith, mothering, being a woman, etc. that are important to me. The most important reason, however, is for me to use the gifts God has given me – and I don’t say this with pride, but with confidence that He knows what He’s doing. He’s given me the gift of written word for a reason, a purpose. He’s leading me to step out in faith, something I’m so uncomfortable doing. So, this is my journey, my walk of faith, my obedience to a Father who has shown me grace in abundance. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I will enjoy writing!
Jen : )