A few weeks ago my husband shared an illustration in one of his sermons that struck me in a new way, even though I had heard it before (based on My Heart, Christ’s Home by Robert Mounger). He tells the story of Christ’s visit to a home. In the story, Jesus is shown from room to room, making various comments and pointing out sin and needs. But when He asks for a peak inside of the odorous hall closet, He’s denied.
We all have those closeted-off spaces in our hearts, areas we wish to keep to ourselves. Perhaps we feel the closet is too disgusting for Christ’s redemption. Perhaps we wish to maintain control over that area. Perhaps we simply don’t want to be told what to do with it.
When I heard the illustration told again, I recognized two areas that I’ve been unwilling to let the Lord have control of until recent years. Sure, I’ve given him bits and pieces here and there, but not the full access He is asking for. One of these areas is my health, specifically my eating habits.
Lately, the Father has been teaching me how often sin comes into play in my eating. He’s making me call it what it is – sin. He’s not letting me “off the hook” any longer. He desires to free me from this slavery, and I’m beginning to yearn for that freedom myself!
So, I really appreciated Sarah Knepper’s post this week about emotional eating. She was even brave enough to start a video diary and confess this problem face to face (well, digitally)! I can relate to so much of what she wrote and said, so I’m happy to share it with you all.
You can also find Sarah on facebook,twitter, and pinterest.
Thanks for the encouragement, Sarah!
Jen 🙂
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The Brown Tribe
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A Divine Encounter
Being Confident of This
Busy Being Blessed
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Sarah Knepper says
Thank you for featuring me!!!
stultsmamaof4 says
You’re welcome! Thanks for being authentic. 🙂
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
Thanks so much for hosting! Blessings to you and yours!
stultsmamaof4 says
Thank you for linking, Heather! Hope your week is going well. 🙂
Kim Adams Morgan says
That’s a great idea to keep a diary. I tend to eat when I’m nervous or upset about something. And I think when we all are happy or meet someone new, we all overindulge a bit. It can be a challenge to reign it in. We do need to remember that the Holy Spirit lives within us and our body is a temple. We need to treat it as such. Great post, Jen and Sarah.
stultsmamaof4 says
Thanks, Kim. I really love My Fitness Pal (a free app I use on my kindle). And you can add friends on it, which adds even more accountability! The body is a temple – yes and amen to that!
Jen 🙂