Last week we shared our insecurities, and boy were you all brave! This week at #TheLoft we’re lightening things up a little with our real life funny stories.
I’m not sure if the fact that my babies were going off to kindergarten caused me to pay more attention to their words lately or if they have just reached the funny stage of childhood – either way, kids really do say the darndest things and with four in our house, life can be a real hoot at times. 🙂
On our way home from the park during the last week of summer, our princess was exceptionally and unintentionally funny. Of course, at first she was just really whiny because the water in her bottle was gone and she was really, really, really thirsty. So thirsty, that it sounded as if she might not survive….
Trying to console her, I said, “We’re only a few blocks away from the house. It’s not the end of the world.”
She grew quiet for a moment, then muttered to herself “It’s the end of the WORLD??!! …I have to tell S– (big brother)!” I dissolved into silent giggles in the front seat.
Not even two blocks later, she began whining again about something she wanted behind the backseat of the van. (It was the longest few blocks of our life, at that point.) Her twin brother graciously offered to get it for her, unbuckled his seat belt, and stood up while I was driving! I quickly pulled to the side of the road and gave him the you-must-have-your-seatbelt-on-or-you-might-die speech.
Moments later we finally pulled into our driveway and princess piped up cheerfully from the back seat, “It’s okay, Mom. He didn’t die.” I guess she was waiting for the driveway to see whether my claims about death were true or not. 🙂
As I waited in line to pick up our children after their first day of school, I was anxious to hear how it went, especially for our kindergarten twins who were trying out separate classrooms. After everyone piled into the van and buckled up, I asked each child how the day went. Our third-grade son was brief and very matter-of-fact, as usual. On the other hand, Princess used all sorts of flowery language to describe her wonderful first day of school.
Then it was her twin brother Daydreamer’s turn. The thing about Daydreamer is that he lives in his own little five-year-old world much of the time, so you never know what sort of response to expect from him. I was pleasantly surprised by his answer when I asked how his first day of kindergarten went.
“I didn’t get in trouble.” He grinned at me, dimples showing.
“Good! I’m so happy to hear that,” I smiled back at him.
Then he said it again. My praise was a little less enthusiastic this time.
And again.
And a few minutes later, again.
I thought, Okay, son, I believed you the first time, but now methinks thou doth protest too much! Thankfully, there were no notes from teacher in his folder. 🙂
And one last bedtime funny….
One evening after school as I tucked our princess into bed, she told me she was afraid of the shadows on her wall. Attempting to calm her fears, I showed her that most of the shadows were actually coming from her. I told her to wave her hand and the shadow waved back. She reached for me quickly and said, “I know, but I just hate my shadow because it always copies me.” Then she crossed her arms in her signature pout. I tried not to snort as I stifled my laughter and explained that’s how shadows work! 🙂
I hope our tales from the backseat made you smile and brought some cheer to your day! Don’t forget to share your stories in the link-up below (or in the comments if you don’t blog) – be sure to read the guidelines first, of course.
May your week be full of smiles and laughter!
Jen 🙂
The Loft is open, come on up!
Graphic by Kerry Messer
The Loft is the place for conversation, community, networking, and Christian growth.
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We want to foster community and transparent conversation with one another, just like we’d do if we were meeting in real life. So we ask that your link stick to the weekly topic and that you mention The Loft in your post.
Monday night, at 9pm Eastern, the linky goes live and all week you can link up your post on that week’s topic.
We’ll have fun topics, serious topics, practical, soul-ful, holiday, and so, so much more…we can’t wait to get started! This is not only a great way to connect with others, it’s also a fun and easy way to establish a writing habit. If you aren’t a blogger, you are welcome to join in by leaving your comments in the comment section.
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1. Be creative. Feel free to use words, photos, video, audio, your family pet, whatever, to communicate on the weekly topic. But please stick to the weekly topic 🙂
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Now it’s time to link up!
This Week’s Topic: “Something Funny” (Laughter is good medicine and after this week’s topic, we all need a belly laugh. Or as one co-host put it, we need to spit in our coffee. Tell us a funny story, share a funny quote, post a funny picture or video, crack a funny joke. Just be careful with that coffee because this is going to be good 🙂 )
Next Week’s Topic: “Fighter Verses” (What are some of your favorite, well worn scriptures? Which ones do you find yourself going back to again and again? Tell us what spiritual warfare looks like for you and how you use God’s Word to be victorious. We look forward to learning from each other!)
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Also sharing this post with: A Mama’s Story, Cornerstone Confessions
Kids are so funny! It’s been fun to eavesdrop on your conversations here. Thanks for sharing these and letting us chuckle with you 🙂
They bring so much fun and laughter into our lives! Thanks for stopping by.
Jen 🙂
These are SO funny – your kids are a riot! Lol – I love the “I didn’t get in trouble….” I have one who would be likely to say something like that. 😉
Thank you for sharing these with us!
He’s just so stinkin’ cute, too, with those dimples and that grin. 😉 I tend to get suspicious when he repeats that he didn’t do something, especially if he says it randomly without even being asked, haha.
Jen 🙂
I LOVE those kid moments!! My middle son says the cutest things all.the.time. and I never think to write them down until they’re gone from my mind =( Thanks for recording some you cutest things here <3
My mom is always telling me to write these things down, too. I probably have some of them recorded on facebook, so maybe someday I’ll find the time to jot them down for the kids to read later on. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by tonight!
Jen 🙂
How cute! I especially love the one where your son exclaimed that he didn’t get in trouble. Flitter, I have those days, too. Days where I get to the end of the day and just rejoice that I didn’t get in trouble!!
Leah, Love it that you used that word. Thank you! A sweet, sweet memory for me – my lovely Momma used that word often. I had forgotten. Truly, I cannot say thank you enough. 🙂
It certainly is something to rejoice in! Thanks for stopping by.
Jen 🙂
She reached for me quickly and said, “I know, but I just hate my shadow because it always copies me.”
Cracked me up!!
I do believe with the right Scripture — that’ll preach!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by here, Kathie!
Jen 🙂
LOVE your tales!!! Kids bring such joy and laughter. It reminded me of years ago our 8 year old niece was coming home with us after Thanksgiving dinner, it was over four hours later when we were about to cross the border back into Wisconsin when my husband said, “We are almost in God’s country!” to which my niece responded “Really? I thought that was Israel!?!!” We had a good laugh over that one. 🙂
Haha, that’s great! I just love kid humor. 🙂 We had a similar incident when travelling down into Tennessee. Our oldest son was little back then and heard us talking about reaching the Smoky Mountains. After a few minutes, he said, “I see them, Mom. They’re really smoking!” I’ll never forget that.
Jen 🙂