Often the Lord asks those who are in Christ to do things we aren’t comfortable doing on our own. Maybe He asks us to talk to someone we don’t really know, invite a neighbor into our home, teach a Sunday School class, or use a gift that He has given in a public setting. When He asks us to do those things that make us a little afraid, we’re always tempted to say no, at least I am. 🙂
No, Lord, I don’t want to go to Nineveh.
No, Lord, I’m not a good speaker; you should ask someone else to lead your people in exiting Egypt, like my brother.
No, Lord, we cannot take the Promised Land; it’s full of giants and we are small.
Over and over again in Scripture we find evidence of people just like us, lacking confidence in their God-given, spiritual gifts, or not wanting the responsibility that comes along with using a gift for the Lord’s glory. They feel inadequate or unworthy of the task.
We can look back on their completed lives and marvel at how the Lord worked through them. We may even call them Heroes of the Bible, but in the moment, they were just ordinary people, afraid of the unkown, afraid of not being “enough.”
I often feel that way, especially about writing. I’d rather leave it to someone else, after all, others can turn a phrase so much more effectively than I can. What do I have to offer?
I’m just an ordinary person. And I’d rather keep those weaknesses of mine hidden, than be open and vulnerable. I’d rather not put myself out there for the world to see, and maybe even criticize. I’d rather avoid, be safe, fly under the radar.
But He commands, “Write.”
A funny thing happens when I obey that still small voice. (Let’s be honest, sometimes when we don’t listen right away, it becomes a resounding gong that keeps us up ’til 4am!) I’m the one who benefits. Me!
It’s exactly the opposite of what I expected when I first started blogging months ago. I thought He wanted me to share truth with others (and I do think that’s part of it), but I didn’t realize He wanted to share those truths with me, first.
And so I write. I pour it all out, sometimes on pages with pen in hand, sometimes on the keyboard, fingers flying, sometimes in bits and pieces, here and there in my notebook.
On occasion, I try to hold back, tone it down. I mean, does anyone really need to see ALL of my ugly? 🙂 But He won’t let me. He requires truth, full disclosure.
“Write, Jen.”
“But this is personal and painful and embarrassing, Father. I’m so ashamed. People will know! What will they think?!”
“I said write, Jen.”
“Okay, Father, but are you sure about this part here about my weight issues. Should I really be telling this to the public? I mean, is it really necessary to include? And can I really say this, Lord? Am I really qualified to write such words?”
“I will give you the words, just write.”
“Okay, Father, I’m still not sure about this, but I’ll try.”
And the words pour out. And sometimes the tears do, too. Because every time He asks me to write, whether about the ugly or the beautiful, He shows me more of Himself, more of myself, and more of who I am becoming in Him.
He teaches me that the best things come when I have nothing to give because then I am an empty vessel for Him. And I’m the one who is blessed! Not because the words are so great, but because
the message.
Not because my gift is so grand but because writing is the gift, and it’s for me and it’s for Him and it’s for all of us.
More than pretty phrases or clever constructions, the message is what matters.
His message.
So my sisters in Christ, write,
or sing,
or teach,
or garden,
or paint,
or mother,
or serve,
or bake,
or whatever the task He lays before you, whether great or small.
Because the blessing is first for you.
Jen 🙂
Join us for Five Minute Fridays over at Lisa-Jo’s place. We write on a one-word prompt for five minutes – no planning, editing, or stressing. 🙂
I may also be linking up with any of these lovely blogs.
Also sharing with: A Little R &R, Grace and Truth
Your insights are spot on — when He commands and we obey, the blessings are always more than we can imagine. I’m glad you took the time to WRITE today.
O, can we ease be friends?!? 🙂 you are speaking my heart, sister. I feel so close to God when I’m getting my praise on, or marveling at His hand painted sunset…but nothing is like the intimacy of doing what He has created me to do?!? And isn’t it just like Him to bless our socks off too?!? Love it! And love u! Let’s be friends! 🙂
I’d love to be friends! 🙂 I like the phrase you used “the intimacy of doing what He has created me to do.” I think often I’m reluctant to say He created me to write because it seems prideful somehow, but the desire and the gift do come from Him! And yes, what a blessing! Thank you for stopping by to encourage me!
Jen 🙂
Thank you for being obedient and using the gift God has given you! Seeing you grow throughout your blogging has done this mothers heart good. I am so proud of you Jen not that you can write and express yourself so well, there is that, but so proud that you are growing in Him, following Him ever closer, and helping others to see why obedience is so important for our own spiritual growth and happiness and encouraging us all to continue on in the battle! Blog on daughter and reap the rewards!! LYLC
Thanks, Mom! I truly appreciate your encouragement and your willingness to be a sounding board. LYLC, too!
Jen 🙂
I can so resonate with your blog, “Write”! I had just committed myself to writing and/or blogging once a week and was feeling pretty good until the Lord directed me to write EVERYDAY. So I’m being obedient, but I had/have the same fears and very similar conversations with God as you! 🙂 So thank YOU for sharing (you are an excellent writer) and thank you for being obedient to God. He is an amazing Father.
Thank you for your kind words, Lynne! 🙂 Writing every day would be a challenge, for sure! I hope you enjoy your adventure.
Jen 🙂
This is a constant conflict for me as well! I’ve only been blogging for a couple months now, but its taken a lot of prodding from God and a lot of thought to get to this point. Even still, it has been put on my heart to want to one day write for a living…something I’m terrified to do and would never pursue on my own…but God is the one who decides what we do, not us.
If the Lord is with you, keep on keepin’ on!
Great post, Jen! I need to listen to that voice much more than I do.
I think we all do, Angie! I doubt there are very many writers who have complete confidence in what they are attempting to do.
Jen 🙂
Wonderful and encouraging post Jen! We should listen to that still small voice that truly knows what is best for us and what His plans are for us!!! God bless you and continuing writing for His glory!!!!
Thank you for your kindness! 🙂 It’s all for Him, isn’t it?!
Jen 🙂
Such truth…and so beautifully expressed! I think many of us struggle with the “laying our heart bare” for others to see. I’m so glad that you choose to be obedient. The world is a better place when each of us step out and fulfill our God-given roles…even if our hands are shaking.
Keep writing and keep sharing!
Candy, you cannot know how much I appreciate your words here. It’s easy to grow discouraged or to let fear and doubt creep in. I completely agree that we each have a role to fill. Thank you!
Jen 🙂
Beautiful, true post today, sister. Sometimes it’s hard, but if He’s the One Who wants it said, it’s worth it in the end.
I completely agree! Thanks for stopping by to leave some encouragement here.
Jen 🙂
Jen this is exactly why I write too! Im always amazed at the stuff He makes come out of my writing times. However, it’s so much easier for me to write about truth than it is to make myself vulnerable. I’ve been struggling with the call to open up more, a lot lately. I wasn’t expecting Him to call me out to that. Probably wouldn’t have obeyed the writing call if I knew He would! Lol Thanks for sharing, my friend!
I certainly wasn’t expecting it, either, Kaylene! I feel that same call, too, to be a bit more brave and transparent. I have a post going up tomorrow that I’m a bit nervous about, but I know I could have used something similar when I was going through a hard time myself. So, I’m learning to trust Him more, even about writing the hard stuff. It’s amazing to me, how much this blogging thing has caused growth in my spiritual life, haha.
Jen 🙂
He wanted to share those truths with me, first.
I soooo know what you mean here, Jen. Me, too!! Linking from Grace and Truth.
Happy to have you join with us this week, Sheila! I love hearing, me, too – it puts us in good company.
Jen 🙂
Oh my goodness!!!!!!! The title caught my eye. I needed to hear this. TODAY. Praise God, His timing IS perfect! For Y E A R S God has been telling me to write. I have literally had strangers come up and tell me God said to write… Yet I don’t. I even paid for a domain name. I have had a successful blog before, but it was for, you know, business. I know that every reason I do not write is a lie.
We are all called to a purpose. I tell myself writing is selfish (scripture says the opposite.) I tell myself it doesn’t matter (there are enough opinions in the world, why would my words be any different?) I know the truth. I have a very unique purpose that no one else has- the people in my life, in my sphere, need what I am, who I am. I know that purpose is not something we do, but the very heart of who we are. I KNOW that I matter.
Yet I do not write. I don’t why, other than maybe I am afraid. Of what though? Am I afraid that I’ll be letting someone down, maybe even God? Am I afraid that I will never see the fruit, or I will feel like a waste? (After all, time is short with a family to run.) Am I afraid of my silly imperfections and that I will have to keep a broom in hand? Or am I running from the fact that I know (in part) why and what I am to write and I can’t seem to fathom that God would choose me.
I’m on here today by chance that I read a marriage post. After 20 years with my high school sweetheart, I’ve found the bottom of my broken heart. Nowhere in all the posts I read about marriage did I find solace, but I found my heart with your words, “God says write.”
I can’t explain today how the two are connected, but somehow I know it is so. God works in the most mysterious ways, and is so honorable when we seek him. His timing is perfect, and He NEVER FAILS!!!
So thank you for this platform to share my heart, and thank you for YOUR obedience to write. I do not know you, and I’ve never been on this blog before, but in this moment- God used you to His glory, to reach out to me.
It’s a beautiful thing, the way God love us.
Hannah, I can certainly relate to those fears as you already know! 🙂 I’m so thankful our Father God used these words here to encourage you toward obedience. I pray for your marriage, too, that you can find healing. I know how dark the rough times can get.
Yes, the way He loves us and leads us certainly is beautiful.
Jen 🙂
This just made me cry. Thank you. I’ve been struggling to write for a long time now. I know what I need to say and I want to, but for whatever reason I can’t get it to come out of me. I loved this. Thank you for reminding me that God is the one calling me to move forward. I’ve been feeling all of the hesitations you talked about. 🙂
Oh, yes!
You’ve hit the nail on the head… It’s scary, but the we’re the first to benefit from our obedience.
Thank you for this reminder and this encouragement to keep writing the words He gives.
God bless,
God has called me to come up with my blog and my online business.
Like everyone else, I have to listen to Him regardless of my lack of confidence, what other people say/think, etc.
God knows and controls everything.
We don’t.