Suddenly the day that was going so well, the life that was on track, falls to pieces.
You’ve stepped on a spiritual landmine. Now you’re in survival mode…
If you’re reading these words here today, then I’m sure you’ve experienced it – the spiritual landmine.
It’s a blast that rocks your world when you least expect it. The spiritual landmine may be small, just enough to blow smoke in your face and sting your eyes – a temporary frustration – or it may be catastrophic: a death, a financial disaster, legal issues, major illness, a terrible accident.
Whether big or small, the spiritual landmine can have the same effect: to rob you of your joy and victory in Christ. How do you survive when your whole world shifts?
How do you carry on when life gets tough? When you feel caught off guard?
The Spiritual Landmine Set-up
It’s nights like this when we’re still transitioning to Daddy’s second-shift job, so this mama is taking care of all the homework, all the practices, all the kid needs and pet needs and food needs.
All. The. Things.
And of course, nothing goes smoothly. We can’t find all of the shin guards, and supper is rushed, and we don’t even know where the middle boy’s practice will be yet.
Nevertheless, the mama and the kiddos make it to soccer practice on time, and after practice is over, they make it home safely again.
Just as they pull in the driveway, she dares to think for one second that maybe this won’t be so bad. She can handle this second-shift switch.
She has the Lord with her and in her, and with His help, she is able!
Then it comes, the attack.
The kids disobey repeatedly one right after the other, requiring discipline and delaying bedtime; the dog eats food from someone’s plate, and then, the straw that breaks the mama’s back, the dog poops. Inside the house.
And this mama, she’s sorely tempted to throw a little temper tantrum. A few silent tears leak down her face as she wavers between right and wrong.
But instead of giving up, she cries, “Mercy! Have mercy on me Lord.” Because in a matter of seconds, she’s been reminded of how great her need is, how easily she is prone to sin.
I can’t, Lord. I just can’t, she silently pleads….
Read the rest about how to survive a spiritual landmine here at my friend Rebekah Hallberg’s blog!
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i have been tempted to throw tantrums alot lately! Thank you for this sweet reminder of how to survive a spiritual landmine
You and me both, Allison! And sometimes I’ve even given in to that temptation and made a fool of myself in front of my children. 😉 I’m so thankful that His mercies are new every morning, that we always get another chance to do things differently. It’s all part of that work in progress taking place in us.
Thankful that God helps us through every land mind we come across.
Amen, Caroline! What would we do without His presence in our lives?!
Right now, I’m survving a bit of a spiritual landmine (or just started) with the death of my mother this morning
Yes, growing pains can be painful. And like you yelled out, praise God for his mercies because all of us need it! Too often these landminds get set and we need to pause, breathe, pray and then react instead of just letting it blow up everything.